Author Archives: Hannah Flynn

About Hannah Flynn

Hannah Flynn is E-Learning Assistant for Tate and Co-Ordinator for the Great British Art Debate online. Her favourite British artist is John Martin.

Should art be good for you?

We posed this and the other four key Great British Art Debate questions to our keen debate fiends over on facebook. Here are some of their thoughts: We regularly fall back on the idea of art-as-therapy – the expectation that …

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Lunchtime Talk: Restless Times

20 January 2011, 1 – 1:45pm
Millennium Gallery, Sheffield

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21 Sept 2011 – 15 Jan 2012
Tate Britain, London

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The Hollowman

Cedar Lewisohn, Tate Producer and champion of GBAD on The Hollowman, an art film with a difference . . . Hello Great British Art Debate blog readers! So, I’ve been very busy doing lots of mad projects for GBAD, all …

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Restoring John Martin

John Martin, inventor of the apocalyptic sublime and all-round eccentric and interesting guy, has a GBAD show coming up at Tate Britain next year. In preparation, Tate’s conservation team are restoring a painting long thought to be lost to massive …

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