Author Archives: Hannah Flynn

About Hannah Flynn

Hannah Flynn is E-Learning Assistant for Tate and Co-Ordinator for the Great British Art Debate online. Her favourite British artist is John Martin.


16 Feb 2011 – 21 Aug 2011
Tate Britain, London

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John Martin + Heavy Metal Karaoke?

As part of the Great British Art Debate, each of the partner galleries has set up ‘tasters’ which aimed to ask their audience what they thought about art, and then use their opinions to help influence the way the big …

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Is the idea of British Art a British Fantasy?

We posed this and the other four key Great British Art Debate questions to our keen debate fiends over on facebook. Here are some of their thoughts: What is British art? Is it art made by artists born in Britain? …

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Is art too popular?

We posed this and the other four key Great British Art Debate questions to our keen debate fiends over on facebook. Here are some of their thoughts: When you say it like this it sounds like popularity is bad. Is …

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Does the art of the past say anything about the world of today?

We posed this and the other four key Great British Art Debate questions to our keen debate fiends over on facebook. Here are some of their thoughts: I remember a version of this line being used by my history teacher …

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Should the public have a say in what goes into museums?

We posed this and the other four key Great British Art Debate questions to our keen debate fiends over on facebook. Here are some of their thoughts: Almost certainly not. There’s a false democracy which I suspect the present government …

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