Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity

ISBN 978-1-84976-391-2

Selected bibliography

Catalogue raisonnés and complete bibliography

1988 David Sylvester (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 1: Complete Sculpture 1921–48,
1957, 5th edn, London 1988.
1986 Alan Bowness (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 2: Complete Sculpture 1949–54, 1955, 3rd edn, London 1986.
1986 Alan Bowness (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 3: Sculpture and Drawings 1955–64, 1965, 2nd edn, London 1986.
1977 Alan Bowness (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 4: Complete Sculpture 1964–73, London 1977.
1983 Alan Bowness (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 5: Complete Sculpture 1974–80, London 1983.
1999 Alan Bowness (ed.), Henry Moore: Volume 6 Complete Sculpture 1980–86, 1988, 2nd edn, London 1999.
1996 Ann Garrould (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 1: Complete Drawings 1916–29,London 1996.
1998 Ann Garrould (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 2: Complete Drawings 1930–39,London 1998.
2001 Ann Garrould (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 3: Complete Drawings 1940–49, Much Hadham 2001.
2003 Ann Garrould (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 4: Complete Drawings 1950–76,Much Hadham 2001.
1994 Ann Garrould (ed.), Henry Moore. Volume 5: Complete Drawings 1977–81,London 1994.
1973 Gérald Cramer, Alistair Grant, and David Mitchinson (eds.), Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work. Volume 1: 1931–1972, Geneva 1973.
1976 Gérald Cramer, Alistair Grant, and David Mitchinson (eds.), Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work. Volume 2: 1973–1975, Geneva 1976.
1980 Gérald Cramer, Alistair Grant, and David Mitchinson (eds.), Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work. Volume 3: 1976–1979, Geneva 1980.
1986 Gérald Cramer, Alistair Grant, and David Mitchinson (eds.), Henry Moore: Catalogue of Graphic Work. Volume 4: 1980–1984, Geneva 1986.
1992 Alexander Davis (ed.), Henry Moore Bibliography. Volume 1: 1898–1970, Much Hadham 1992.
1992 Alexander Davis (ed.), Henry Moore Bibliography. Volume 2: 1971–1986, Much Hadham 1992.
1992 Alexander Davis (ed.), Henry Moore Bibliography. Volume 3: Index 1898–1986, Much Hadham 1992.
1994 Alexander Davis (ed.), Henry Moore Bibliography. Volume 4: 1986–1991, Much Hadham 1994.
1994 Alexander Davis (ed.), Henry Moore Bibliography. Volume 5: Index 1986–1991, Much Hadham 1994.

Selected artist’s statements and interviews

1930 Henry Moore, ‘Contemporary English Sculptors’, Architectural
Association Journal, vol.45, no.519, May 1930, p.408.
1932 Henry Moore, ‘On Carving’, New English Weekly, 5 May 1932, pp.65–6.
1934 Henry Moore, ‘Statement for Unit One’, in Herbert Read (ed.), Unit One: The Modern Movement in English Architecture, Painting and Sculpture, London 1934, pp.29–30.
1935 Henry Moore, ‘Mesopotamian Art’, Listener, 5 June1935, pp.944–6.
1937 Henry Moore, ‘Statements’, in J.L. Martin, Ben Nicholson, Naum Gabo (eds.), Circle: International Survey of Constructive Art, London 1937, pp.86–8.
1937 Henry Moore, ‘A Sculptor Speaks’, Listener, 18 August 1937, pp.338–40.
1938 Henry Moore, ‘Collective Security’, Yorkshire Post, 31 March 1938.
1941 Henry Moore, ‘Primitive Art’, Listener, 24 April 1941, pp.598–9.
1941 Henry Moore, ‘Art and Life’, Listener, 13 November 1941, pp.657–9.
1941 ‘Art and Life: V.S. Pritchett, G. Sutherland, K. Clark, H. Moore in Discussion’, Listener, 13 November 1941, pp.657–9.
1947 John D. Morse, ‘Henry Moore Comes to America’, Magazine of Art, March 1947, pp.91–101.
1947 James Johnson Sweeney, ‘Henry Moore’, Partisan Review, March–April 1947, pp.182–3.
1952 Henry Moore, ‘The Modern Sculptor in Modern Society’, UNESCO, International Conference of Artists, Venice 1952.
1955 Sculpture in the Open Air: A Talk by Henry Moore on his Sculpture and its Placing in Open-Air Sites, ed. by Robert Melville, London 1955, transcript printed in Philip James (ed.), Henry Moore on Sculpture, London 1966, pp.97–109.
1959 Henry Moore, ‘Obituary: Mr. E.C. Gregory’, Times, 19 February 1959, p.12.
1960 Donald Hall, ‘Henry Moore: An Interview by Donald Hall’, Horizon, November 1960.
1961 John and Vera Russell, ‘Conversations with Henry Moore’, Sunday Times, 17 and 24 December 1961.
1963 David Sylvester, ‘Henry Moore talking to David Sylvester’, 7 June 1963, transcript of Third Programme, BBC Radio, broadcast 14 July 1963, printed in Listener, 29 August 1963, pp.305–7.
1966 Philip James (ed.), Henry Moore on Sculpture, London 1966.
1970 Alan Bowness, ‘Rodin, a Conversation with Henry Moore’, in Rodin: Sculpture and Drawings, exhibition catalogue, Hayward Gallery, London 1970, pp.9–12.
2002 Alan Wilkinson (ed.), Henry Moore: Writings and Conversations,Aldershot 2002.

Selected books on Henry Moore

1934 Herbert Read, Henry Moore: Sculptor, London 1934.
1943 Geoffrey Grigson, Henry Moore, London 1943.
1944 Herbert Read (ed.), Henry Moore: Sculpture and Drawings, London 1944.
1946 James JohnsonSweeney, Henry Moore, New York 1946.
1958 J.P. Hodin, Henry Moore, London 1958.
1959 Erich Neumann, The Archetypal World of Henry Moore,London 1959.
1960 WillGrohmann, The Art of Henry Moore, London 1960.
1965 Herbert Read, Henry Moore: A Study of his Life and Work, London 1965.
1965 Henry Moore, John Russell and A.M. Hammacher, Drie Staande Motieven, Otterlo 1965.
1966 Donald Hall, Henry Moore: The Life and Work of a Great Sculptor, London 1966.
1968 John Hedgecoe (ed.), Henry Moore, London 1968.
1968 Ionel Jianou, Henry Moore, Paris 1968.
1968 John Russell, Henry Moore,London 1968.
1970 Robert Melville, Henry Moore. Sculpture and Drawings 1921–69, London 1970.
1970 David Finn and Donald Hall, As the Eye Moves: A Sculpture by Henry Moore, New York 1970.
1972 Giulio Carlo Argan, Henry Moore, New York 1972.
1972 Elda Fezzi, Henry Moore, London 1972.
1973 John Russell, Henry Moore,revised edn, London 1973.
1973 Henry J. Seldis, Henry Moore in America, New York 1973.
1973 Donald Carroll, The Donald Carroll Interviews, London 1973.
1974 Kenneth Clark, Henry Moore Drawings, London 1974.
1977 David Finn, Henry Moore: Sculpture and Environment, New York 1977.
1978 Erich Steingräber, Henry Moore Maquetten, Munich 1978.
1978 Gemma Levine, With Henry Moore: The Artist at Work, London 1978.
1979 Alan G. Wilkinson, The Moore Collection in the Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto 1979.
1979 John Read, Portrait of an Artist: Henry Moore, London 1979.
1981 Henry Moore, Henry Moore at the British Museum, London 1981.
1981 David Mitchinson and Franco Russoli, Henry Moore: Sculpture, London 1981
1983 W.J. Strachan, Henry Moore: Animals, London 1983.
1983 Gemma Levine, Henry Moore: Wood Sculpture, London 1983.
1985 William Packer, Henry Moore: An Illustrated Biography, with photographs by Gemma Levine, London 1985.
1986 John Hedgecoe (ed.), Henry Moore: My Ideas, Inspiration and Life as an Artist, London 1986.
1987 Alan G. Wilkinson, Henry Moore Remembered: The Collection at the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto, Toronto 1987.
1993 Peter Fuller, Henry Moore: An Interpretation, London 1993.
1996 Claude Allemand-Cosneau, Manfred Fath and David Mitchinson (eds.), Henry Moore From the Inside Out: Plasters, Carvings and Drawings,Munich 1996.
1998 John Hedgecoe, A Monumental Vision: The Sculpture of Henry Moore, London 1998.
2002 Jeremy Wallis, Creative Lives: Henry Moore, Oxford, 2002.
2002 Timothée Trimm, Henry Moore: Intime, Paris 2002.
2003 Roger Berthoud, The Life of Henry Moore, 1987, revised edn, London 2003.
2003 Jane Beckett and Fiona Russell (eds.), Henry Moore: Critical Essays, Aldershot 2003.
2005 David Mitchinson (ed.), Henry Moore Collections and Exhibitions: An Introduction to Henry Moore, Much Hadham 2005.
2006 David Mitchinson (ed.), Celebrating Moore: Works from the Collection of the Henry Moore Foundation, London 2006.
2007 David Mitchinson (ed.), Hoglands: The Home of Henry and Irina Moore, London 2007.
2007 Jeremy Lewison, Henry Moore 1898–1986, Cologne 2007.
2008 Christa Lichtenstern, Henry Moore: Work-Theory-Impact, London 2008.
2008 Anita Feldman (ed.), Henry Moore Textiles, Aldershot 2008.
2010 Andrew Causey, The Drawings of Henry Moore, London 2010.
2011 Anita Feldman and Malcolm Woodward, Henry Moore: Plasters, London 2011.
2011 Henry Moore at Perry Green, London 2011.
2013 Pauline Rose, Henry Moore in America: Art, Business and the Special Relationship, London 2013

Selected solo exhibition catalogues

1936 Catalogue of an Exhibition of Sculpture and Drawings by Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Leicester Galleries, London 1936.
1940 New Sculpture and Drawings by Henry Moore,exhibition catalogue, Leicester Galleries, London 1940.
1949 Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, British Council touring exhibition, London 1949.
1951 Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Zappeion Gallery, Athens 1951.
1951 David Sylvester (ed.), Sculpture and Drawings by Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1951.
1960 Bryan Robertson (ed.),Henry Moore: Sculpture 1950–1960, exhibition catalogue, Whitechapel Gallery, London 1960.
1961 Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Musée Rodin, Paris 1961.
1961 John Russell, Henry Moore: Stone and Wood Carvings, exhibition catalogue, Marlborough Fine Art, London 1961.
1968 David Sylvester, Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery,London 1968.
1969 Henry Moore Exhibition in Japan, 1969, exhibition catalogue, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo 1969.
1972 Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Forte di Belvedere, Florence 1972.
1977 Alan G. Wilkinson, The Drawings of Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1977 (exhibition held in 1978).
1977 Henry Moore: Sculptures et dessins, exhibition catalogue, Musée de l’Orangerie des Tuileries, Paris 1977.
1978 Henry Moore 80th Birthday Exhibition, exhibition catalogue, Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, Bradford 1978.
1978 The Henry Moore Gift, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1978.
1981 Henry Moore: Sculptures, Drawings, Graphics 1921–1981, exhibition catalogue, Palacio de Velázquez, Madrid 1981.
1982 Henry Moore: Early Carvings 1920–1940, exhibition catalogue, Leeds City Art Galleries, Leeds 1982.
1982 Henry Moore: Head-Helmet, exhibition catalogue, Dli Museum and Arts Centre, Durham 1982.
1982 Henry Moore en México: Escultura, Dibujo, Grafica de 1921 a 1982, exhibition catalogue, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City 1982.
1983 William Slattery Lieberman, Henry Moore: 60 Years of his Art, exhibition catalogue, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1983.
1987 Henry Moore and Landscape, exhibition catalogue, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, West Bretton 1987.
1988 David Mitchinson (ed.), Henry Moore Sculpture with Comments by the Artist, Barcelona 1988.
1988 Susan Compton (ed.), Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy of Arts, London 1988.
1988 Peyton Skipwith, Henry Moore and Michael Rosenauer, exhibition catalogue, Fine Art Society, London 1988.
1991 Henry Moore: The Human Dimension, exhibition catalogue, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Art, Moscow 1991.
1998 Henry Moore: Friendship and Influence, exhibition catalogue, Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, Norwich 1998.
2000 Henry Moore: In the Light of Greece, exhibition catalogue, Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation Museum of Contemporary Art, Andros 2000.
2001 Dorothy Kosinski (ed.), Henry Moore: Sculpting the 20th Century, exhibition catalogue, Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas 2001.
2001 Moore in China, exhibition catalogue, Beihai Park, Beijing 2001
2004 Henry Moore at Dulwich Picture Gallery, exhibition catalogue, Dulwich Picture Gallery, London 2004.
2005 David Mitchinson (ed.), Henry Moore and the Challenge of Architecture, Much Hadham 2005.
2006 Henry Moore: War and Utility, exhibition catalogue, Imperial War Museum, London 2006.
2007 David Mitchinson (ed.), Moore and Mythology, exhibition catalogue, Henry Moore Foundation, Perry Green, 2007.
2007 Moore at Kew, exhibition catalogue, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2007.
2010 Chris Stephens (ed.), Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London 2010.
2010 Gregor Muir (ed.), Henry Moore: Ideas for Sculpture, exhibition catalogue, Hauser & Wirth, London 2010.
2012 Henry Moore: Large Late Forms, exhibition catalogue, Gagosian Gallery, London 2012.
2012 Henry Moore and the Arts Council Collection, exhibition catalogue, Arts Council touring exhibition, London 2012.
2013 Richard Calvocoressi, Martin Harrison and Francis Warner, Bacon / Moore: Flesh and Bone, exhibition catalogue, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 2013.

Selected articles, chapters and reviews

1928 Anon., ‘Art Exhibition: Mr. Henry Moore’, Times,26 January 1928, p.10.
1928 Anon., ‘Henry Moore’s Art’, Morning Post, 28 January 1928.
1928 Anon., ‘A Yorkshire Sculptor: Art of Mr Henry Moore’, Rotherham Express, 31 March 1928.
1931 Anon., ‘London Sculptor’s Work Attacked’, Evening News, 1 January 1931.
1931 Anon., ‘Modern School of Sculpture: Cult of Ugliness Triumphant’, Morning Post, 11 April 1931.
1931 Anon., ‘Genesis Left Stone Cold: Symbolism in Sculptures of Mr Henry Moore’, Star, 13 April 1931.
1933 Geoffrey Grigson, ‘Henry Moore and Ben Nicholson’, Bookman, November 1933, vol.85, no.506, p.106.
1933 Adrian Stokes, ‘Mr Henry Moore’s Sculpture’, Spectator, November 1933.
1940 Gordon Onslow-Ford, ‘The Wooden Giantess of Henry Moore’, London Bulletin,nos.18–20, June 1940, pp.10–11.
1940 E.L.T. Mesens, ‘Letter to the New Statesmen’, London Bulletin, nos.18–20, June 1940, pp.20–1.
1941 Philip Hendy, ‘Henry Moore’, Horizon,September 1941, p.21.
1944 Geoffrey Grigson and Eric Newton, ‘Henry Moore’s Madonna and Child’, Architectural Review, vol.95, no.569, May 1944, pp.137–40.
1944 Anon., ‘Gift Statue Has Provoked Discussion’, Northampton Independent, 19 February 1944.
1944 Anon., ‘Madonna Statue Causes A Sensation’, Northampton Independent, 25 February 1944.
1944 Walter Hussey, ‘Correspondence’, Architectural Review, vol.96, no.570, July 1944, p.l.
1944 Sir Kenneth Clark, ‘A Madonna by Henry Moore’, Magazine of Art, vol.37, no.7, November 1944, pp.247–9.
1945 Philip Hendy, ‘Art – Henry Moore’, Britain Today, no.106, 1945, pp.34–5.
1945 Nikolaus Pevsner, ‘Thoughts on Henry Moore’, Burlington Magazine, vol.86, no.503, February 1945, pp.47–9.
1946 Nikolaus Pevsner, ‘Henry Moore’s Madonna’, Student Movement, October 1946, pp.4–5.
1946 Mary Sorrell, ‘Henry Moore’, Apollo, vol.44, November 1946, pp.116–18.
1948 Rudolf Arnheim, ‘The Holes of Henry Moore: On the Function of Space in Sculpture’, Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, vol.7, no.1, September 1948, pp.29–38.
1948 A.D.B. Sylvester, ‘The Evolution of Henry Moore’s Sculpture: I’, Burlington Magazine, vol.90, no.543, June 1948, pp.158–65.
1948 David Sylvester, ‘The Evolution of Henry Moore’s Sculpture II’, Burlington Magazine,vol.90, no.544, July 1948, pp.186, 189–95.
1948 Geoffrey Grigson, ‘Art and Ideals of Henry Moore’,Architect and Building News, 28 May 1948.
1949 Philip Hendy, ‘Henry Moore: His New Exhibition’, Britain Today, no.158, June 1949, pp.34–7.
1951 Kenneth Clark, ‘Henry Moore’s Metal Sculpture’, Magazine of Art, vol.43, May 1951, pp.172–3.
1954 David Sylvester, ‘Henry Moore’s Sculpture’, Britain Today, no.215, March 1954, pp.32–5.
1954 Robert Melville, ‘Henry Moore and the Siting of Public Sculpture’, Architectural Review, February 1954, pp.87–95.
1955 David Sylvester, ‘Henry Moore’s Recent Sculpture’, Listener, 3 November 1955, p.754.
1958 David Sylvester, ‘A New Bronze by Henry Moore’, Listener, 10 July 1958, p.51.
1958 W.J. Strachan, ‘Henry Moore’s UNESCO Statue’, Studio, vol.156, no.789, December 1958, pp.170–5.
1959 Anon., ‘Art Since 1945: International Stocktaking at Kassel’, Times,20 July 1959, p.8.
1960 Keith Sutton, ‘Henry Moore at Whitechapel’, Listener, 8 December 1960, p.1070.
1960 Nevile Wallis, ‘Elemental Moore’, Observer, 27 November 1960, p.27.
1960 Anon. [David Thompson], ‘Mr Henry Moore’s Exhilarating Exhibition’, Times, 28 November 1960, p.6.
1960 Lawrence Alloway, ‘London Letter’, Art International, vol.4, no.10, December 1960, p.50.
1960 Anthony Caro, ‘The Master Sculptor’, Observer,27 November 1960, p.21.
1963 Nigel Gosling, ‘Vision and Nightmare: Art’, Observer, 14 July 1963, p.27.
1963 Eric Newton, ‘Power’, Guardian, 12 July 1963, p.9.
1963 Anon. [David Thompson], ‘New Work by Henry Moore and Francis Bacon’, Times, 12 July 1963, p.5.
1964 Mervyn Levy, ‘Henry Moore: Sculpture Against the Sky’, Studio International, vol.167, no.853, May 1964, pp.178–85.
1965 Anon., ‘Bacon and Moore Again in Powerful Relation’, Times, 14 July 1965, p.15.
1965 G.S. Whittet, ‘Farewell to Flat, Goodbye to Square: London Commentary’, Studio International, October 1965, pp.169–70.
1965 David Thompson, ‘Recumbent Figure by Henry Moore’, Listener, 25 November 1965, pp.860 –1.
1967 Albert Elsen, ‘Henry Moore’s Reflections on Sculpture’, Art Journal, vol.26, no.4, Summer 1967, pp.352–8.
1967 Albert Elsen, ‘The New Freedom of Henry Moore’, Art International, vol.11, no.7, September 1967, pp.42–5.
1968 William Tucker, ‘Moore at the Tate’, Studio International, vol.176, no.904, October 1968, p.124.
1972 Guy Brett, ‘Henry Moore in Florence’, Times,20 May 1972, p.11.
1973 David H. Katzive, ‘Henry Moore’s Nuclear Energy: The Genesis of a Monument’, Art Journal, vol.32, no.3, Spring 1973, pp.284–8.
1978 William Packer, ‘Henry Moore at Eighty’, Financial Times, 18 July 1978, p.13.
1978 William Feaver, ‘Happy Returns to the Emperor’, Observer Review, 9 April 1978, p.33.
1978 John McEwen, ‘Bone Idle’, Spectator, 15 July 1978, p.28.
1978 Stephen Spender, ‘Sculptor and Statues (Homage to Henry Moore)’, Times, 29 July 1978, p.12.
1981 Christa Lichtenstern, ‘Henry Moore and Surrealism’, Burlington Magazine, vol.123, no. 944, November 1981, pp.645–58.
1983 Laurie Schneider, ‘A Note on the Iconography of Henry Moore’s “King and Queen”’, Source: Notes in the History of Art, vol.2, no.4, Summer 1983, pp.29–32.
1984 Alan Wilkinson, ‘Henry Moore’ in William Rubin (ed.), Primitivism in Twentieth Century Art, exhibition catalogue, vol.2, Museum of Modern Art, New York 1984, pp.595–614.
1986 Nicholas Beeston, ‘Henry Moore Dies Aged 88 / Death of Leading British Sculptor’, Times, 1 September 1986, p.1.
1986 Norbert Lynton, ‘Monumental Moore’, Guardian, 1 September 1986, p.11.
1986 William Packer, ‘Obituary: Henry Moore’, Financial Times,1 September 1986, p.11.
1986 Paul Richard, ‘Putting the Landscape in Life’, Sydney Morning Herald, 2 September 1986, p.14.
1986 John Spurling, ‘What Sort of Monument?’, New Statesman, 12 September 1986, p.22–3.
1987 Alan Ingham, ‘Henry Moore – An Appreciation’, Art and Australia, vol.24, no.3, Autumn 1987, pp.338–40.
1988 Richard Wentworth, ‘The Going Concern: Working for Moore’, Burlington Magazine, vol.130, no.1029, December 1988, pp.927–8.
1990 Julian Stallabrass, ‘Darkness in the Shelter’, in Henry Moore, exhibition catalogue, Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao, Bilbao 1990, http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/people/stallabrass_julian/PDF/Bilbao.pdf, accessed 14 April 2014.
1992 Julian Stallabrass, ‘Henry Moore: Mother and Child’, in Henry Moore. Mutter und Kind / Mother and Child, exhibition catalogue, Käthe Kollwitz Museum, Cologne 1992, http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/people/stallabrass_julian/PDF/Moore.pdf, accessed 13 December 2013.
1993 Laura Doan, ‘Wombs of War: Henry Moore’s Repositioning of Gender’, Gender, no.17, Fall 1993, pp.41–58.
1995 Julie Summers, ‘Gilding the Lily: The Patination of Henry Moore’s Bronze Sculptures’, in Jackie Heuman (ed.), From Marble to Chocolate: The Conservation of Modern Sculpture, London 1995, pp.144–51.
1999 Anne Wagner, ‘Henry Moore’s Mother’, Representations, no.65, Winter 1999, pp.93–120.
2000 Lyndsey Stonebridge, ‘Bombs, Birth, and Trauma: Henry Moore’s and D.W. Winnicott’s Prehistory Figments’, Cultural Critique, no.46, Autumn 2000, pp.80–101.
2006 Alan Powers, ‘Henry Moore’s Recumbent Figure, 1938 at Bentley Wood,’ in Patrick Eyres and Fiona Russell (eds.), Sculpture and the Garden, London 2006, pp.121–31.
2006 Christopher Marshall, ‘Between Beauty and Power: Henry Moore’s DrapedSeated Woman as an Emblem of the National Gallery of Victoria’s Modernity 1959–68’, Art Bulletin of Victoria, vol.46, 2006, pp.37–49.
2007Eric Gibson, ‘Moore & Giacometti’, New Criterion,vol.26, no.4, December 2007, pp.19–22falsePress the Escape key to close
2007 Mark Stocker, ‘The Best Thing Ever Seen in New Zealand: The Henry Moore Exhibition of 1956–57’, Sculpture Journal, vol.16, no.1, 2007, pp.74–89.
2010 Hilary Spurling, ‘The Turbulent Reputation of Henry Moore’, Guardian, 27 February 2010, http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2010/feb/27/henry-moore-sculpture-tate-britain, accessed 18 December 2013.
2011 John-Paul Stonard, ‘Henry Moore’s “Knife Edge Mirror Two Piece” at the
National Gallery of Art, Washington’, Burlington Magazine, vol.153, April 2011, pp.249–55.
2012 Christopher Green, ‘Henry Moore and Picasso’ in James Beechy and Chris Stephens (eds.), Picasso and Modern British Art, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain,London 2012, pp.130–49.

2012 Katerina Loukopoulou, ‘The Mobile Framing of Henry Moore’s Sculpture in Post-War Britain’, Visual Culture in Britain, vol.13, no.1, pp.63–81.

Selected films

1944 Out of Chaos, dir. Jill Craigie, G.F.D. Two Cities, London c.1944.
1947 Henry Moore, film narrated by J.J. Sweeney, Falcon Films, New York 1947.
1951 Henry Moore, dir. John Read, BBC television programme, broadcast 30 April 1951, http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/henrymoore/8801.shtml, accessed 13 January 2014.
1953 Artists Must Live, dir. John Read, BBC television programme, broadcast 30 June 1953.
1958 A Sculptor’s Landscape, dir. John Read, BBC television programme, broadcast 29 June 1958, http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/henrymoore/8802.shtml, accessed 7 February 2014.
1967 Henry Moore: One Yorkshireman Looks at His World, dir. John Read, BBC television programme, broadcast BBC2, 11 November 1967, http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/henrymoore/8807.shtml, accessed 7 February 2014.
1973 Henry Moore: The Language of Sculpture, dir. John Read, BBC television programme, broadcast 1 January 1974, http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/henrymoore/8810.shtml, accessed 21 March 2014.
1988 Henry Moore: A Private View, dir. Henry Peplow, Royal Academy of Arts / Triangle Two, London 1988.
1988 Henry Moore: Carving a Reputation 1898–1945, dir. James Runcie, BBC television programme, broadcast BBC 2 18 July 1998, http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/henrymoore/8820.shtml, accessed 11 March 2014.
1993 Without Walls: J'Accuse Henry Moore by George Melly, dir. Tony Cash, Channel 4 television programme, broadcast 9 March 1993.

Related publications

1932 R.H. Wilenski, The Meaning of Modern Sculpture, London 1932.
1949 Walter Hussey, ‘A Churchman Discusses Art in the Church’, Studio, vol.138, no.678, September 1949, pp.80–1, 95.
1953 Herbert Read, The Philosophy of Modern Art, New York 1953.
1954 Felix Man, Eight European Artists, London 1954.
1954 Lawrence Alloway, ‘The Siting of Sculpture’, Listener, 17 June 1954, pp.1044–6.
1955 Patrick Heron, The Changing Forms of Art, London 1955, pp.208–15.
1955 George Wingfield Digby, Meaning and Symbol in Three Modern Artists: Henry Moore, Edvard Munch, Paul Nash, London 1955.
1956 Herbert Read, The Art of Sculpture, London 1956.
1956 J.P. Hodin, The Dilemma of Being Modern: Essays on Art and Literature, London 1956, pp.99–152.
1960 Richard Bennett, New Sights of London, London 1960.
1960 Sculpture in the Open Air, exhibition catalogue, London County Council, London 1960, pp.19–20.
1964 John Freeman, Face to Face, ed. by Hugh Burnett, London 1964.
1964 Warren Forma, Five British Sculptors (Work and Talk),New York 1964.
1968 B. Rose, ‘Blowup: The Problem of Scale in Sculpture’, Art in America,no.56, July 1968, pp.80–91
1978 Dawn Ades (ed.), Dada and Surrealism Reviewed, exhibition catalogue, Hayward Gallery, London 1978
1981 The Tate Gallery 1978–80: Illustrated Biennial Report, London 1981.
1981 The Tate Gallery 1978–80: Illustrated Catalogue of Acquisitions, London 1981.
1981 Sandy Nairne and Nicholas Serota (eds.), British Sculpture in the Twentieth Century,exhibition catalogue, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London 1981.
1986 Clement Greenberg, The Collected Essays and Criticism. Volume 2: Arrogant Purpose, 1945–49, Chicago 1986.
1988 Penelope Curtis, Modern British Sculpture: From the Collection, display catalogue, Tate Liverpool, Liverpool 1988.
1993 Benedict Read and David Thistlewood (eds.), Herbert Read: A British Vision of World Art, exhibition catalogue, Leeds City Art Galleries, Leeds 1993.
1993 John McEwen and John Haddington, Glenkiln,Edinburgh 1993.
1994 Laurie Schneider Adams, Art and Psychoanalysis, New York 1994.
1994 Charles Harrison, English Art and Modernism, 1981, revised edn, New Haven 1994.
1995 Charles Harrison, ‘England’s Climate’, in Brian Allen (ed.), Towards a Modern Art World, New Haven 1995, pp.207–26.
1996 Un Siècle de Sculpture anglaise, exhibition catalogue, Jeu de Paume, Paris 1996.
1997 Sarah Hyde, Exhibiting Gender,exhibition catalogue, Whitworth Museum, Manchester 1997.
1998 Margaret Garlake, New Art / New World: British Art in Postwar Society, New Haven and London 1998.
1998 Carving Mountains: Modern Stone Sculpture in England 1907–37, exhibition catalogue, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge 1998.
1998 Frances Spalding, The Tate: A History, London 1998.
1999 Michel Remy, Surrealism in Britain, Aldershot 1999.
2000 Barbara Braun, Pre-Columbian Art and the Post-Columbian World: Ancient American Sources of Modern Art, New York 2000.
2002 David Peters Corbett, Ysanne Holt and Fiona Russell (eds.), The Geographies of Englishness: Landscape and the National Past 1880–1940, New Haven 2002.
2005 Anne Wagner, Mother Stone: The Vitality of Modern British Sculpture, New Haven 2005.
2003 Jon Wood, ‘Gods, Graves and Sculptors: Gudea, Sumerian Sculpture and the Avant-Garde, c.1930–1935’, Sculpture Journal, vol.10, 2003, pp.67–82.
2003 Penelope Curtis (ed.), Sculpture in 20th-Century Britain, 2 vols., Leeds 2003.
2003 Alan Windsor (ed.), British Sculptors of the Twentieth Century, Aldershot
2004 David Getsy (ed.), Sculpture and the Pursuit of the Modern Ideal in Britain c.1880–1930, Aldershot 2004.
2004 Colin Rhodes, ‘Burlington Primitive: Non-European Art in The Burlington Magazine Before 1930’, Burlington Magazine, vol.146, no.1211, 2004, pp.98–104
2006 Leeds Sculpture Collections: Illustrated Concise Catalogue, Leeds 2006.
2006 Robert Burstow, ‘Modern Sculpture in the Public Park: A Socialist Experiment in Open Air “Leisured Culture”’, in Patrick Eyres and Fiona Russell (eds.), Sculpture and the Garden, London 2006, pp.133–44.
2007 Jon Wood, David Hulks and Alex Potts (eds.), Modern Sculpture Reader, Leeds 2007.
2008 Lynne Green (ed.), Yorkshire Sculpture Park: Landscape for Art, Wakefield 2008.
2008 Catherine Jolivette, ‘London Pride: 1951 and Figurative Sculpture at the South Bank Exhibition’, Sculpture Journal, vol.17, no.2, 2008, pp.23–36.
2011 Penelope Curtis and Keith Wilson (eds.), Modern British Sculpture, exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy of Arts, London 2011.
2012 Felice McDowell, ‘“At the Exhibition”: The 1948 Open-Air Sculpture Exhibition, Battersea Park, in British Fashion Magazines’, Sculpture Journal, vol.21, no.2, pp.169–81.
2012 Jennifer Powell, ‘A Coherent, National “School” of Sculpture? Constructing Post-War New British Sculpture through Exhibition Practices’, Sculpture Journal,vol.21, no.2, 2012, pp.37–50.
2012 Catherine Jolivette, ‘Science, Art and Landscape in the Nuclear Age’, Art History, vol.32, no.2, April 2012, pp.253–69.

How to cite

‘Selected bibliography, Catalogue raisonnés and complete bibliography’, in Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity, Tate Research Publication, 2015, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/research-publications/henry-moore/selected-bibliography-catalogue-raisonnes-and-complete-bibliography-r1175938, accessed 31 March 2025.