Colour Studies Relating to ‘The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham’ by Robert Surtees c.1817

From the entry
This section comprises a pair of colour studies, or ‘colour beginnings’, as termed by A. J. Finberg, the first cataloguer of the Turner Bequest, thought to be related to Turner’s 1817 tour of Durham and Northumberland. For a full itinerary of this tour, see the introduction to the relevant section of the present catalogue by Matthew Imms. In 1817 Turner was commissioned by Lord Darlington to make a painting of Raby Castle: he toured County Durham and Northumberland in the autumn to gather material. He had first visited Durham and the surrounding area in 1797 as part of a tour of northern England, when he madea group of drawings of the city. He would pass through the area again both before and after his 1817 visit. Turner exhibited the oil painting resulting from Lord Darlington’s commission (Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore) at the Royal Academy in 1818 and subsequently reworked it following criticism of the hunting element of the scene. Turner also completed a watercolour of Raby, a castle dating ...
How to cite
Elizabeth Jacklin, ‘Colour Studies Relating to ‘The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine of Durham’ by Robert Surtees c.1817’, September 2016, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, July 2017, https://www