A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.I, p.203, LXXV 56, as ‘In Savoy’.
Lindsay Stainton and Andrew Wilton, J.M.W. Turner: Dibujos y acuarelas del Museo Británico, exhibition catalogue, Museo del Prado, Madrid 1983, pp.17, 37–8 reproduced.
Haruki Yaegashi, Martin Butlin, Evelyn Joll and others, Turner Exhibition, exhibition catalogue, National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo 1986, p.166 reproduced in colour, as ‘Savoy: The Lake of Annecy?’.
Ian Warrell, ‘R.N. Wornum and the First Three Loan Collections: A History of the Early Display of the Turner Bequest Outside London’, Turner Studies, vol.11, no 1, Summer 1991, p.56, as ‘Harvest’ (apparently in error for D08220; Turner Bequest CXX G, no.50 in First Loan Collection).
David Blayney Brown, Turner in the Alps 1802, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1998, pp.178–9 reproduced in colour, as ‘Lake of Brienz near Ringennberg’.
David Blayney Brown, Turner et les Alpes 1802, exhibition catalogue, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny 1999, pp.178–9 reproduced in colour.