E.T. Cook (ed.), Ruskin on Pictures: A Collection of Criticisms by John Ruskin not heretofore Re-printed and now Re-edited and Re-arranged, London 1902, vol.I, p.102, as ‘The Bridge of Martigny’.
E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn (eds.), Library Edition: The Works of John Ruskin: Volume XIII: Turner: The Harbours of England; Catalogues and Notes, London 1904, p.610, as ‘The Bridge of Martigny’.
A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.I, p.197, LXXIV 2.
John Russell and Andrew Wilton, Turner in Switzerland, Zurich 1976, p.73.
David Hill, Turner in the Alps: The Journey through France & Switzerland in 1802, London 1992, pp.91–3 reproduced.
Ian Warrell, Through Switzerland with Turner: Ruskin’s First Selection from the Turner Bequest, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1995, p.146.
David Blayney Brown, Turner in the Alps 1802, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1998, pp.152–3 reproduced in colour, as ‘Martigny; Bridge over the River Drance, the Chapel of Our Lady of Compassion, and La Bâtiaz above’.
David Blayney Brown, Turner et les Alpes 1802, exhibition catalogue, Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny 1999, pp.152–3 reproduced in colour.