Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity

ISBN 978-1-84976-391-2

Ruth Rattenbury Ruth Rattenbury, Letter to Mrs. Tinsley, 25 July 1978

Ruth Rattenbury 'Ruth Rattenbury, Letter to Mrs. Tinsley,' 25 July 1978
Ruth Rattenbury
Ruth Rattenbury, Letter to Mrs. Tinsley, 25 July 1978
Tate Public Records TG 92/344/2
This letter from Ruth Rattenbury, Assistant Keeper in the Department of Exhibitions and Education, to Henry Moore’s secretary Mrs Betty Tinsley shows how close the relationship between Moore and the Tate Gallery was, and how the gallery deferred to Moore with regard to the maintenance of his sculptures.


121.1 Moore/RR/VAE.
                                         25th July, 1978.
Mrs. B. Tinsley,
Perry Green,
Much Hadham,
Dear Mrs. Tinsley,
When our Henry Moore exhibition ends there are several sculptures that need attention or repairs which Mr. Moore promised could be done.
1. Festival Reclining Figure, 1951, in plaster – cracks temporarily filled for exhibtion.
2. Upright Internal/ External Form, 1952-3 – very cracked at bottom.
3. Upright Motives 1, 2 and 7. We plan to show these together in the garden. Mr. Moore said that he would have them treated so that they were all the same colour.
Then there is the additional problem of Two Piece Reclining Figure No.5 1963–4 (ex Aldeburgh). The head section is very unstable and Frank Farnham suggested that the best long term solution might be to bolt this sculpture on to its own bronze base. It would make the whole sculpture very heavy but it would be easier to handle.
The same would be a good solution for the Working Model for the Lincoln Centre Reclining Figure, if it is possible to fix it to such a base.
Can you please ask Mr. Moore if he can advise us about this. Can he arrange for it to be done or suggest how we go about it?
Lastly, I do not believe you have been to the exhibition yet. Or have you crept in unannounced? Please do come – before August 12 (when I go on holiday) – and have a delicious lunch with me in our restaurant.
I look forward to seeing you.
Yours ever,
Ruth Rattenbury,
Assistant Keeper,
Department of Exhibitions and Education.

How to cite

Ruth Rattenbury, Ruth Rattenbury, Letter to Mrs. Tinsley,, 25 July 1978, in Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity, Tate Research Publication, 2015, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/research-publications/henry-moore/ruth-rattenbury-ruth-rattenbury-letter-to-mrs-tinsley-r1145487, accessed 31 March 2025.