Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity

ISBN 978-1-84976-391-2

Henry Moore Postcard to Gustav and Elly Kahnweiler 4 September 1962

Gustav and Elly Kahnweiler were among the few art patrons in the United Kingdom who actively supported continental modern art after the Second World War. It is uncertain how or when the Kahnweilers first met Moore, but they may have known of his work in the late 1930s. By the 1950s the Kahnweilers, and Moore and his wife Irina, shared a warm friendship and this postcard, sent by Moore while on summer holiday in Italy in 1962 shows their friendly exchanges.


Hotel Byron
Forte dei Marmi.
4th Sept.
We’re half-way through our holiday here – and are loving the continuous sunshine and warm bathing. Yesterday we went to Pisa, and tomorrow we’re having a day in Florence – but mostly we’re on the beach.
Love from the three of us
              Henry, Irina and Mary.
Gustav and Elly Kahnweiler
Alderbourne Manor
Gerrards Cross

How to cite

Henry Moore, Postcard to Gustav and Elly Kahnweiler, 4 September 1962, in Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity, Tate Research Publication, 2015, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/research-publications/henry-moore/henry-moore-postcard-to-gustav-and-elly-kahnweiler-r1145424, accessed 31 March 2025.