The Art of the Sublime

ISBN 978-1-84976-387-5

The Victorian sublime

Frederic, Lord Leighton 'And the Sea Gave Up the Dead Which Were in It' exhibited 1892
Frederic, Lord Leighton
And the Sea Gave Up the Dead Which Were in It exhibited 1892 (detail)
Tate N01511
After the Romantic era Victorian artists took a step away from the vastness of the sublime and developed a keener interest in the pursuit of beauty.
The following essays and case studies consider why the sublime should have fallen out of favour in this period, and explore the work of those Victorian artists who continued to engage with a sublime aesthetic.

How to cite

‘The Victorian sublime’, in Nigel Llewellyn and Christine Riding (eds.), The Art of the Sublime, Tate Research Publication, January 2013,, accessed 26 March 2025.