In Focus
The Girl Chewing Gum 1976 by John Smith

ISBN 978-1-84976-413-1


We are grateful to Dr Erika Balsom for her development of this project, the fourth in the series of In Focus publications, and to Professor Patrick Wright, who interviewed the artist about the film. Special thanks are also owed to John Smith for his enthusiastic support of this project and to the British Artists’ Film and Video Study Collection at Central St Martins, University of the Arts, London.
This project was generously sponsored by Christie’s.
Dr Erika Balsom, King’s College London
Professor Patrick Wright, King’s College London

Series editor: Jennifer Mundy, Head of Collection Research, Tate
Project editor: Celia White, Collection Research Editor, Tate
Digital editor: Alex Cary, Digital Editor (Research), Tate

How to cite

‘Acknowledgements’, in Erika Balsom (ed.), In Focus: 'The Girl Chewing Gum' 1976 by John Smith, Tate Research Publication, 2015,, accessed 16 July 2024.