Joseph Mallord William Turner Traitor's Gate, Tower of London, for Rogers's 'Poems' c.1830-2
Joseph Mallord William Turner,
Traitor's Gate, Tower of London, for Rogers's 'Poems'
Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775–1851
Traitor’s Gate, Tower of London, for Rogers’s ‘Poems’ circa 1830–2
Turner Bequest CCLXXX 177
Turner Bequest CCLXXX 177
Pencil and watercolour, approximately 135 x 135 mm on white wove paper, 190 x 306 mm
Stamped in black ‘CCLXXX 177’ bottom right
Stamped in black ‘CCLXXX 177’ bottom right
Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856
Exhibition history
National Gallery, London, various dates to at least 1904 (235).
Four Screens, British Museum, London, July 1936–February 1937 (no catalogue but numbered 5).
Turner 1775–1851, Royal Academy, London, November 1974–March 1975 (278).
Turner at the Bankside Gallery: Drawings & Water-colours of British River Scenes from the British Museum, Bankside Gallery, London, November–December 1980 (81, reproduced).
J.M.W. Turner 1775–1851: Impressions de Gran Bretanya i el Continent Europeu / Impresiones de Gran Bretaña y el Continente Europeo, Centre Cultural de la Fundació ”la Caixa”, Barcelona, September–November 1993, Sala de Exposiciones de la Fundación ”la Caixa”, Madrid, November 1993–January 1994 (51, reproduced in colour).
J.M.W. Turner 1775–1851: Aquarelles et Dessins du Legs Turner: Collection de la Tate Gallery, Londres / Watercolours and Drawings from the Turner Bequest: Collection from the Tate Gallery, London, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi, September–December 1994 (51, reproduced in colour).
Turner: The Great Watercolours, Royal Academy of Arts, London, December 2000–February 2001 (75, reproduced in colour).
E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn (eds.), Library Edition: The Works of John Ruskin: Volume I: Early Prose Writings 1834–1843, London 1903, pp.233, 244.
E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn (eds.), Library Edition: The Works of John Ruskin: Volume XIII: Turner: The Harbours of England; Catalogues and Notes, London 1904, pp.380–1.
E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn (eds.), Library Edition: The Works of John Ruskin: Volume XXI: The Ruskin Art Collection at Oxford, London 1906, p.214.
A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings in the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.II, p.902, as ‘The Water Gate of the Tower’.
Adele Holcomb, ‘J.M.W. Turner’s Illustrations to the Poets’, unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of California, Los Angeles 1966, pp.81, 86, reproduced fig.40.
Martin Butlin, Andrew Wilton and John Gage, Turner 1775–1851, exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy, London 1974, p.99 no.278.
Andrew Wilton, The Life and Work of J.M.W. Turner, Fribourg 1979, p.441 no.1187, reproduced.
Michael Spender and Malcolm Fry, Turner at the Bankside Gallery: Catalogue of an Exhibition of Drawings & Water-colours of British River Scenes from the British Museum, exhibition catalogue, Bankside Gallery, London 1980, pp.172–3 no.81, reproduced.
Jan Piggott, Turner’s Vignettes, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1993, p.97.
Ian Warrell, J.M.W. Turner 1775–1851: Impressions de Gran Bretanya i el Continent Europeu / Impresiones de Gran Bretaña y el Continente Europeo, exhibition catalogue, Centre Cultural de la Fundació ”la Caixa”, Barcelona 1993, pp.164–5 no.51, reproduced (colour).
Ian Warrell, J.M.W. Turner 1775–1851: Aquarelles et Dessins du Legs Turner: Collection de la Tate Gallery, Londres / Watercolours and Drawings from the Turner Bequest: Collection from the Tate Gallery, London, exhibition catalogue, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi 1994, pp.166–7, no.51, reproduced (colour).
Eric Shanes, Evelyn Joll, Ian Warrell and others, Turner: The Great Watercolours, exhibition catalogue, Royal Academy of Arts, London 2001, pp.16, 43, 179, 184 no.75, reproduced (colour).
This vignette, Traitor’s Gate, was published in the 1834 edition of Rogers’s Poems, as an illustration to a poem entitled ‘Human Life’.1 It was engraved by Edward Goodall.2 At the end of the poem, Rogers’s anonymous hero is now a noble politician who despite ‘struggling in his Country’s cause’, is nonetheless cast as a traitor and imprisoned in the Tower of London:
On he moves,
Careless of blame while his own heart approves,
Careless of ruin – (“For the general good
’Tis not the first time I shall shed my blood.”)
On thro’ that gate misnamed, thro’ which before
Went Sidney, Russell, Raleigh, Cranmer, More,
On into twilight within walls of stone,
Then to the place of trial; and alone,
Alone before his judges in array
Stands for his life; there on that awful day
(Poems, pp.88–9)
Careless of blame while his own heart approves,
Careless of ruin – (“For the general good
’Tis not the first time I shall shed my blood.”)
On thro’ that gate misnamed, thro’ which before
Went Sidney, Russell, Raleigh, Cranmer, More,
On into twilight within walls of stone,
Then to the place of trial; and alone,
Alone before his judges in array
Stands for his life; there on that awful day
(Poems, pp.88–9)
Turner annotated part of this passage with a box drawn in pencil in the margin of his own copy of the 1827 edition of Poems (see Tate D36330; Turner Bequest CCCLXVI p.98). By tradition, high-ranking offenders imprisoned in the Tower of London were made to enter through a gateway from the Thames known as Traitor’s Gate. In the boat entering the gates Turner portrays one of the men named by Rogers as preceding his hero to the Tower, Sir Thomas More (1478–1535). Despite the fact that More and the other passengers in the boat are dressed in sixteenth-century costume, the appearance of gate, the ships, and uniforms of the soldiers on the bridge reflects the 1790s. This anachronism illustrates Rogers’s assertion that the despotism that suffered by More and other so-called fighters for civil freedoms during the sixteenth century had again flourished in the wake of the French Revolution.3 Jan Piggott has observed that the poem and the accompanying illustration also allude to the imprisonment of Rogers’s friend, Horne Tooke, who was arraigned for high treason at the time of the French Revolution.4 Rogers himself was a participant in Tooke’s trial.
The Tower of London was the subject of an early topographical view supplied by Turner for The Pocket Magazine, published 1795. 5 Furthermore, it features within a several sketches by Turner of shipping along the River Thames (see for example Tate D17821; Turner Bequest CCIV 35) and a view based on these sketches which appeared in The Literary Souvenir in 1831, engraved by William Miller.6 It is therefore possible that Turner may have referred to these earlier works for details of his vignette composition. He also produced one preparatory study for this watercolour (see Tate D27610; Turner Bequest CCLXXX 93). However, like Greenwich Hospital (see Tate D27693; Turner Bequest CCLXXX 176) Traitor’s Gate shows a local London landmark that would have been extremely familiar to Turner but which rarely appears elsewhere in his oeuvre.
According to Edward Goodall’s son, it was not uncommon for the figures in Turner’s illustrations for both Italy and Poems to be designed in collaboration with either the engraver, or Thomas Stothard, the other artistic contributor to the publications. It is therefore possible that Goodall or Stothard may have been responsible for designing the figurative elements of this vignette.7
Inscribed by unknown hands in pencil ‘18’ top centre and ‘19 a’ centre. There are also touches of blue, pink and yellow watercolour bottom right
Stamped in black ‘CCLXXX 177’ lower centre
Stamped in black ‘CCLXXX 177’ lower centre
Meredith Gamer
August 2006
How to cite
Meredith Gamer, ‘Traitor’s Gate, Tower of London, for Rogers’s ‘Poems’ c.1830–2 by Joseph Mallord William Turner’, catalogue entry, August 2006, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, December 2012, https://www