Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity

ISBN 978-1-84976-391-2

Henry Moore Letter to Sir Michael Sadler 10 March 1937

Henry Moore 'Letter to Sir Michael Sadler' 10 March 1937
Henry Moore
Letter to Sir Michael Sadler 10 March 1937
Tate Archive TGA 8221/2/102
In 1934 Alfred H. Barr, Director of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, expressed an interest in acquiring for the museum Two Forms 1934, which he saw during a visit to London. As the new museum had a limited budget he asked Moore whether he knew of a patron who might buy it and present it as a gift to the museum. Moore called upon his patron Sir Michael Sadler, who duly sent funds to Barr. In this letter Moore thanks Sadler in flattering terms for his generosity in facilitating this acquisition by ‘such an important Museum in America’.


March 10th 1939.
                                     11A Parkhill Road
                                     London N.W.3.
Dear Sir Michael,
 I have just heard from Mr Alfred Barr, the director of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, that they have finally been able to find the forty pounds with which to purchase one of my carvings – “Two Forms” – (in pynkado wood)and that the gift came from you – and he has sent on your cheque to me.
 Mr Barr, in his letter, says “Naturally we are more than delighted to have this fine representative example of your work and all the more pleased because the gift was made possible through the generosity of so discerning a collector as Sir Michael Sadler.”
 And of course I am also very happy indeed that my work is now represented in such an important museum in America and I am writing to thank you for having made it possible for them to have this work of mine for their permanent collection.
With kindest regards to you and to Lady Sadler.
            Very sincerely yours
                   Henry Moore.

How to cite

Henry Moore, Letter to Sir Michael Sadler, 10 March 1937, in Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity, Tate Research Publication, 2015, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/research-publications/henry-moore/henry-moore-letter-to-sir-michael-sadler-r1145518, accessed 31 March 2025.