Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity

ISBN 978-1-84976-391-2

Henry Moore Letter to Raymond Coxon and Edna Ginesi (Peacham & Gin) 30 July 1934

This letter discusses a planned trip to Spain with the Moores’ close friends Raymond Coxon and Edna Ginesi. Paul Nash had lent them a Spanish conversation phrase book and Moore had looked up how to get to the Altamira Caves, famed for their prehistoric art.


                                          Jasmine Cottage
                                          Nr. Dover
                                          30. VII. 34.
Dear Peacham and Gin,
 Yes we’ll have a bed, a nice big one, for you when you come down here so there’s no need for you to bring your tenting paraphernalia along. When do you propose coming down here? – and is there anything we ought to be seeing about in the meantime – What for instance have I to do, if anything, about an international driving license?
 The Paul Nashs have lent us a Spanish conversation book, which we’ll have to start swotting up – and also they’ve sent us a prescription for some stuff you take to make you immune from Malaria etc. And I’ve found out where the Altamira caves [end of p.1] are. I had to go back to London for the day last Tuesday (to see a fellow at the BBC – I’ll tell you about that later) and I was told about a Spanish Tourist Agency in Piccadilly – and there, a very pretty girl looked up Altamira in a Spanish Travel Book.
 We go just to Santander from there go towards Torrelavega at Barreda (that’s 3 kilometres short of Torrelavega, and 24 kms from Santander) turn to the right to visit Santillana and the caves at Altamira.
 If I’d have had the time last Tuesday I’d have tried to find a French Tourist Agency to enquire from them where exactly the Dordogne caves are – perhaps even they’d know at a Thomas Cook’s place.
 We’re enjoying being here at the cottage so much and I’m getting a moderate amount of work done – in between the bathes and odd games of tennis at Betty and Rowlands, and visits to [end of p.2] mother at Waldershare.
 I’d to go to London last Tuesday, for I’ve been asked to take part in a set of talks on Art – which would mean half an hours discussion (question and answer style) with a critic fellow on sculpture. I haven’t made up my mind about it yet – what would you do? – Do you think it would be worth while and worry of it?
 It’s my birthday today – 36 today. Irina’s just remembered it’s the 30th – and it’s too late in the day now to celebrate by taking the day off.
 Give our love to Pitch and to yourselves.
 Write when you think of anything.
           Henry and Nitchka
P.S. I’ve got a fresh lamp, but it’ll want a new battery.

How to cite

Henry Moore, Letter to Raymond Coxon and Edna Ginesi (Peacham & Gin), 30 July 1934, in Henry Moore: Sculptural Process and Public Identity, Tate Research Publication, 2015, https://www.tate.org.uk/art/research-publications/henry-moore/henry-moore-letter-to-raymond-coxon-and-edna-ginesi-peacham-amp-gin-r1145458, accessed 05 January 2025.