Behind The Scenes

Re-framing Constable

How do you frame a masterpiece? Go behind the scenes and discover the process of making a frame at Tate

Constable’s painting, Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows has recently been put into a new frame.

Decarla and Leila from Tate Collective Team investigate why this work needed to be re-framed and how a new frame is made.

In the film the duo interview David Brown (Curator British Art, 1790 - 1850) and spend time with Adrian Moore (Frames Conservator) testing out framing techniques that have been used to create this new frame.

Further information about the new frame will published in Tate Papers in early 2019.

The re-framing of this work and Re-Framing Constable film are a part of Aspire, a partnership programme touring Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows across the UK. Aspire is supported by Art Fund, and by National Lottery players through the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

With thanks to Joseph McCarthy Fine Frames (Tunbridge Wells) and Tanous Fine Art Frames, (London) who generously assisted with the loan of moulds and access to their collection for research.

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