You are invited to undertake an unbroken reading, sampling and remixing of inner and outer landscapes. On a table set for two will be 20 texts selected by Raqs, which you can pick up and read aloud - one voice passing the baton on to the next, marking time and giving breath the written word.
Tate Modern
Unbroken Reading With Raqs Media Collective

Auto-Didact’s Transport, Permanent transformation of Gwangju Metro wagons 2013. Photo: Kyungsub Shin
Mark time and put breath into the written word through an hours-long experience of unbroken reading
Tate Modern
15 December 2016 at 12.00–14.00
15 December 2016 at 14.00–16.00
15 December 2016 at 16.00–18.00
16 December 2016 at 14.00–16.00
16 December 2016 at 16.00–18.00
16 December 2016 at 18.00–20.00