Power is a word and idea which contains multitudes: Magt, Kraft, Energia, Potens.
Rather than narrow the definition of power during their time at Tate Exchange, London CLC will look to expand it. We will explore notions of power, from energy to efficacy, automation to autonomy, through a range of digital and non-digital creative activities.
Young people from London schools will join young people from Sweden, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands. These children will explore the space, the theme and the activities together in a spirit of open exchange.

Image (c) London Connected Learning Centre
About London Connected Learning Centre
London Connected Learning Centre (CLC), part of Education Development Trust, helps schools and other settings use digital technologies to improve learning. The term 'Connected Learning' describes our approach and activities. We make links between learning at school and at home, we involve children and young people in using digital technologies to create, experiment, design and explore, we foster collaboration between teachers, students and parents and we work in partnership with businesses, community and cultural organisations.