Bruce Baillie and Chick Strand founded Canyon Cinema in 1961 to establish a connection ‘between the people and what was happening’ (Baillie). Acting in response to a lack of public venues for independent films, they organised screenings of experimental, documentary and narrative works in East Bay backyards and community centres. The era was one of social idealism and communal energy, and the films they showcased boldly embraced cinematic visual expression and cultural critique. This programme presents a selection of works by filmmakers at the heart of this burgeoning community as well as filmmakers who were directly influenced by its spirit.
‘One of our “devices,” as P.T. and Chicky Strand would have it, for keeping the audience honest – that is, not too serious about “Art.” Years of fun, work, and thoughtful exchange, covering perhaps everything under the sun! Our Chair in the Sun, we called it.’
Bruce Baillie

James Broughton
The Bed 1968
film still
Courtesy Canyon Cinema
James Broughton, The Bed, USA 1968, 16mm, colour, sound, 20 min
A lyrical film that celebrates the vast possibilities of what can (and can’t) happen in bed.
Robert Nelson and William Wiley, The Off-Handed Jape… & How To Pull It Off, USA 1967, 16mm, colour, sound, 9 min
Robert Nelson and his artist friend William Wiley playfully act and pose in front of the camera, and then provide a commentary to play over their own japery.
Bruce Baillie, Have You Thought of Talking to the Director?, USA 1962, 16mm, black and white, sound, 15 min
‘Under the first impression of Mendocino, up the coast north of San Francisco, and of my friend Paul Tulley … combining spontaneity and preconception in a film that is essentially a short lesson in feature form – i.e., somewhat toward a narrative film style.’
Bruce Baillie
Chick Strand, Angel Blue Sweet Wings, USA 1966, 16mm, colour, sound, 3 min
Combining live action, animation, montage and found footage, Chick Strand’s experimental film poem is a celebration of life and visions.
Janis Crystal Lipzin, L.A. Carwash, USA 1975, 16mm, colour, sound, 9 min
Janis Crystal Lipzin’s film experiments with the qualities of light and sound at the Village Carwash in Los Angeles.
Lawrence Jordan, Big Sur: The Ladies, USA 1966, 16mm, colour, sound, 3 min
Lawrence Jordan’s partly pixelated diary film moves exuberantly through its brief running time with images of the Big Sur – the water, the sun against the landscape – as well as the ‘ladies’ who run freely.
Peter Hutton, In Marin County, USA 1970, 16mm, colour, sound, 10 min
In Marin County is an important document on ecology that depicts the odd joy Americans take in destroying things, filtered through Peter Hutton’s bizarre and comic vision.
Anne Severson, Riverbody, USA 1970, 16mm, black and white, sound, 7 min
A continuous dissolve of 87 male and female nudes.
Tate Film is supported by LUMA Foundation.