Pierre Huyghe Celebration Park 2006
This will be the first solo Pierre Huyghe exhibition in the UK and will include several intriguing new works.
Celebration Park features objects, texts, architectural features and films, all orchestrated within the exhibition space to create a landscape of discovery. Designed to stimulate ideas and freedom of thought, visitors experience a number of surprising apparitions, such as a set of gigantic doors which dance through the gallery. Huyghe references numerous different cultural forms in this exhibition including puppet shows, community celebrations and natural history films, in order to investigate the relationship between art and society.
Highlights include a filmed puppet musical telling the story of Le Corbusier's struggle to satisfy a commission from Harvard University and Huyghe's similar experience at the same institution. The exhibition also premieres a new film A journey that wasn't 2006, which was partly shot on location in Antartica whilst the artist searched for a mythical white creature and partly shot in New York's Central Park where Huyghe staged a spectacular operatic recreation of the voyage.