Tearing Up the Past focuses on conflict and artistic resistance in Latin America. Collage and photo montage are ways to express a political dispute or to combat those who attempt to cover up traumatic events. These collages and photomontages are seen as critical responses to images that circulate in mass media, family albums and public archives. They bring to light the hidden, the silenced and the invisible. In doing this they make a political stance on the images of history and the history of images.
In Tate Exchange, encounter a display of work by Argentine artists. This includes work by photographer Lucila Quieto, who will be leading a series of workshops.
Wednesday 11 December
14.00-14.30: Introductory talk with Jordana Blejmar (University of Liverpool) and Natalia Fortuny (CONICET-University of Buenos Aires).
14.30-16.00: Collective Collage workshop with Argentine photographer Lucila Quieto. Disassemble photographs of historical events or those from family albums to produce new stories.
Friday 13 December
11.00-13.00: Screenings about the escraches, a slang word for ‘to expose’ a form of Latin American art activism. Featuring the work of Argentinean Grupo de Arte Callejero/Street Art Group and of Spanish artist and activist Marcelo Expósito.
13.00-14.00: Talk on Arts and Human Rights in Latin America with Luciana Pol, Senior Fellow Security Policy and Human Rights, CELS.
14.00-16.00: Art and Politics collage workshop, inspired by the work of Leon Ferrari, with Mara Polgovsky Ezcurra, Birkbeck College.
Saturday 14 December
11.00-13.00: The Museum of Me workshop with Claire Taylor, University of Liverpool.
When you visit a museum, do you see yourself reflected in what’s in there? If there was a museum of you, what would it look like? What is your story that’s not being told in museums?
14.00-16.00: In Conversation with Award-winning photographer Jillian Edelstein.
Sunday 15 December
11.00-13.00: Collective Collage workshop with Lucila Quieto and presentation of the Collective Collage Mural.
With thanks to Jordana Blejmar, Lucia Brandi, Marcelo Brodsky, CELS (Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales), Grupo de Estudios en Fotografía Contemporánea, Arte y Política (FoCo)-IIGG-UBA, Jillian Edelstein, Marcelo Expósito, Fundación Ferrari, Natalia Fortuny, Ana Longoni, Ailsa Peate, Mara Polgovsky Ezcurra , Lucila Quieto and Claire Taylor. And also GAC (Grupo de Arte Callejero/Street Art Group) current members include Lorena Bossi, Vanesa Bossi, Fernanda Carrizo, Mariana Corral and Carolina Golder.
This residency is led by the department of Communication and Media based at the University of Liverpool.