Historian Professer Erica Carter will discuss the role of portraits in the wider-context of German culture at the time, reflecting on the conventions of the period. This unique tour will take place in the gallery.
Tate Liverpool + RIBA North
Life Undiluted Tour: Prof. Erica Carter

August Sander, Young Teacher c.1928, printed 1990 ARTIST ROOMS Tate and National Galleries of Scotland. Lent by Anthony d'Offay 2010 © Die Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur – August Sander Archiv, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn and DACS, London, 2017
Immerse yourself in the history of the Weimar Republic with this tour
Tate Liverpool + RIBA North
Date & Time
11 July 2017 at 17.00–18.00