Tamar Yoseloff presents her sequence The City with Horns, informed by the life and work of Jackson Pollock. The poet and critic Martyn Crucefix has said of Yoseloff’s poems that they ‘flow and rush and fizz in ways reminiscent of Pollock’s paintings’. The poems also introduce readers to iconic New York locations, such as the Cedar Tavern, and characters in Pollock’s story, including his wife, the painter Lee Krasner, fellow painters Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko, and cult figures such as actor James Dean and poets Allen Ginsberg and Frank O’Hara.
Yoseloff’s reading will be accompanied by her account of Pollock’s life and times and a selection of corresponding art work images and documentary photos.
From 15.00-15.30, Tamar Yoseloff will signing copies of her new book A Formula for Night.
Supported by Tate Liverpool Members