Welcome to Tate Modern

Entry to the gallery is free for everyone, with a charge for some exhibitions. Booking is needed for exhibitions.

Members enjoy free entry to exhibitions – no need to book, just turn up with your card. Members can also bring up to 6 children for free to any exhibition.

Find out more information in our frequently asked questions or browse our family-friendly events below.

Things for families at Tate Modern

You don’t need to be an expert to look at or talk about art. Don’t feel you have to ‘get it’ to enjoy it – take whatever you like from a piece.

You and your family can try these activities in any of the galleries. Remember it's ok to talk at Tate! It's ok to make some noise!

Enrico Baj
Fire! Fire! (1963–4)

Strike a pose

Get your child to secretly choose an artwork with a person in it. Once they have looked carefully at the pose, find a space in the room and encourage them to try to recreate the pose. The rest of the group can then try and spot the artwork the pose came from

Give us a clue

Encourage your child to find a portrait in the gallery that reminds them of someone in your group; someone famous; someone you all know (perhaps a neighbour or a friend). With the help of clues, the rest of the group can guess the chosen person

See it from their perspective

Get down to your child’s height and see what they see. The change in eye-level might make you think and feel differently

Get inspired before your visit

Kids Shop
