Hand-drawn colourful illustration of three young people - one in a wheelchair, two standing - making movements with their bodies
Hand-drawn colourful illustration of three young people - one in a wheelchair, two standing - making movements with their bodies

Simile Shapes

Move your body to share how you feel
  • 10 Min Challenge
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Shape
  • Wellbeing
  • Storytelling
  • Switch on your words

    Find some space in the classroom where you feel comfortable, then choose someone to read out the list of similes:

    • Flicker like a fire
    • Flow like water
    • Wobble like jelly
    • Pop like bubbles
    • Shine like the sun

    These are similes – a phrase that compares two different things to make vivid images!

    What immediate thoughts do they create in your mind?

    Laylah Amarchih Simile Shapes 2025 © Laylah Amarchih

    Now make some movements to respond to the similes. This could be using your whole body, your hand or foot, your head, or even just your eyes.

    How slight or expressive can these movements be?

    Turn Your Space Into a Language Lab

    Ask everyone how they felt making their movements and take turns to share your thoughts and feelings. What new striking similes can you think of for things that happen every day?

    How To Use 10 Minute Challenges

    These ten-minute challenges are fun, energising and inclusive activities for teachers, pupils and whole school communities. Find new ways to support your pupils to see their world from different perspectives, be playful with their ideas and develop a curiosity about art.

    1. Prepare

    • All you need is what’s around you: your body, your peers and your space!
    • You could project the illustration in your classroom and/or print off copies for your students to have in front of them for inspiration.

    2. Challenge (10 minutes)

    • Try out the activity in your classroom, playground, or assembly room. Get as many people involved as you can – students, teachers and teaching assistants, carers, and everyone else around your school.
    • Come back together as a group and share what you've experienced. How else can you use art to shake up your day?

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