The Victorian and Edwardian Art Research Centre promotes research on British art from 1840 to 1915. It builds on Tate’s history of collecting works of this period, from the gallery’s founding in 1897 to the present day, and its presentation of such exhibitions as the Pre-Raphaelites: Victorian Avant-Garde in 2012 and The EY Exhibition: Van Gogh and Britain in 2019. The Centre offers a programme aimed at encouraging research and influencing scholarship on the paintings, sculptures and works on paper of this era in national and international contexts, including the British Empire. It seeks to stimulate debate and exchange across a number of subject areas and disciplines.

Convened by Tate curators Dr Carol Jacobi, Dr Caroline Corbeau-Parsons and the nineteenth-century team, the Centre hosts seminars, public events and conferences alone or in collaboration with university departments, scholarly societies and individual researchers. It aims to provide internships, placements and post-graduate projects. It welcomes proposals for new ventures and events related to Victorian and Edwardian Art.


Past events

  • Aubrey Beardsley, scholars’ morning, August 2020
  • Making Womens Art Visible at Tate, 17501950, with the British Art Network, February 2018
  • Crossing the Channel: French Refugee Artists in London (1870–1904), conference, 25–26 January 2018, with the Paul Mellon Centre for British Art and the Institut français du Royaume-Uni
  • Pictorial Effect: Photography and Art in Britain 1835–1910, study day in collaboration with Paul Mellon Centre for British Art and Sotheby’s Institute of Art, June 2016
  • Artist and Empire: New Dynamics, three-day conference, in collaboration with Birkbeck College and Kings’ Cultural institute with the support of Paul Mellon Centre for British Art, Iniva and the Association for Art History, November 2015. Listen to a recording of the first day here.
  • Poor Man’s Picture Gallery’: Art and Stereoscopic Photography, conference, November 2014. Read the curatorial essay by Carol Jacobi, “Tate Painting and the Art of Stereoscopic Photography”, published in conjunction with the display, here.
  • Forgotten Faces, scholars’ morning, May 2014
  • Victorian Photography, scholars’ morning, November 2012
  • Pre-Raphaelites, scholars’ morning, September 2012
  • Victorian Photography, scholars’ morning, November 2012
  • Victorian Sentimentality, scholars’ morning, June 2012


For further information, please contact Dr Carol Jacobi, Curator British Art 1850–1915.
