Learning Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships

A current list of doctoral students engaged in research within the Tate Learning team, along with information about their projects

A group take part in Experiments in Practice, 2017

Experiments in Practice, photography © Tate 2017 Ana Escobar

Tate Learning hosts a growing number of doctoral students engaged in research. As part of the collaborative element of their doctorates, students work within the Learning team in a variety of ways, gaining professional experience and contributing their ideas and knowledge to programmes and projects.

Tate has up to five fully funded AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership (CDP) studentships to allocate each year. Details of new awards, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), are advertised on this website and elsewhere in the spring of each year. Further information about Collaborative Doctoral Partnership studentships is available on the Collaborative Doctoral Partnerships website and on the Tate Research webpages.

Current Tate Learning Collaborative Doctoral Partnership Students

Kat Braybrooke Hacking the museum, together: peer-to-peer interactions at shared machine shops in UK cultural heritage institutions

Janine Francois In what ways does art in the museum context provide a safe space to ask difficult questions around culture and race?

Alex Hodby Tate Modern and the Expansion of ‘New Institutionalism’: New Developments in Art and Public Programming Practices

Louisa HoodFamily Learning in Art Galleries

Cristina LocatelliDigital Engagement Beyond the Gallery: Art Maps, A Case Study

Marianne MulveyWhat is the queer potential of the public programme within the arts institution?

Louisa PenfoldInvestigating the Value of Experiential Learning and Play in the Design of Learning Spaces for Young Children at Tate

Nicola Sim Circuit: Investigating partnerships between visual arts and youth organisations

Victoria YoungArt Museum Attendance and the Public Realm: The Agency of Visitor Information in Tate’s Organisational Practices of Making the Art Museum’s Audience

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