Press Release

New Directors for Tate St Ives

Tate St Ives is delighted to announce two new appointments. 

Martin Clark joins Tate St Ives as Artistic Director and Mark Osterfield becomes Executive Director.

The former role of Director will now be shared between an Artistic Director and an Executive Director, who will work together with the Tate St Ives team on running all aspects of the Gallery, realising exciting exhibitions and events, community and education programmes and on the future development of Tate St Ives. These new positions recognise the developing role of Tate St Ives and its ambition to work more effectively with local, regional, national and international partners.

Martin Clark is currently Exhibitions Curator at Arnolfini, Bristol and before that he was responsible for the Herbert Read Gallery at the Kent Institute of Art and Design, Canterbury. He will take up his position in St Ives in July. Martin said: ’ Tate St Ives is in a unique position to be at the heart of international exhibitions practice and to be a centre within Cornwall for artistic research, development and debate. Given the legacy of modernism in St Ives, the vibrant and very active artistic community, the Tate St Ives team and the support of Tate as a whole, the gallery can offer an extraordinary experience to people of all ages, backgrounds and interests. I am very excited to have the opportunity to contribute to taking Tate St Ives forward and developing its role as a focus for modern and contemporary art, in a very particular regional and local setting.’

Mark Osterfield, who will be known to many around St Ives, has been acting director since February, and has been involved with Tate St Ives since March 2005 when he became Project Director working on proposals for Tate St Ives Phase Two. Mark said ‘I have greatly enjoyed my work with the local community and with our partners across Cornwall over the last two years, and I am really excited to be able to continue and build on these relationships with this new post.’

Nicholas Serota, Director of Tate, commented ’I am delighted by both appointments, which represent a new chapter in the evolution of Tate St Ives’.

After six successful years as Director of Tate St Ives, Susan Daniel-McElroy retires the end of June 2007.
