Mongrel core:
Mongrel is a mixed bunch of people and machines working to celebrate
the cultural methods of London street culture. We make socially
engaged cultural product employing any and all technological advantage
that we can lay our hands on. We have dedicated ourselves to learning
technological methods of engagement, which means we pride ourselves
on our ability to programme, engineer and build our own software
and custom hardware. The core group is Mervin Jarman, Matsuko Yokokoji,
Richard Pierre-Davis and Harwood.
Mongrel as extended network:
Mongrel attempts to open up situations and makes ways for those
locked out of the mainstream to gain strength without getting locked
into power structures. This means that Mongrel can get the benefit
of sharing the skills and intelligence of people and scenes in similar
situations, as well as dealing with other kinds of structures on
our own terms. mongrel collaborations Mongrel rarely operates as
the core group. We prefer to work on a range of specific collaborations
individually. These can be with organisations, individuals or groups.
The ability to plug into different skills, structures or ways of
doing stuff means we get to stay fresh. 'Natural Selection', one
of these Mongrel collaborations is going on now.
Previous Work
Natural Selection:
is a project put together by Harwood and Matthew Fuller. This
project takes on the use of new communications technology for the
dissemination and organisation of various forms of eugenics, nationalism
and racism. The project invents cultural strategies and uses of
digital technology to undermine and play with the expectations of
racialisation in a manner which usurps or destroys it. Mongrel has
hacked a popular internet search engine. When any searches are made
on that engine for racist material the user gets dumped into a parallel
network of web-sites set up by Mongrel. This parallel network has
been made in collaboration with a vast global network of collaborators.
It is the nightmare the whites-only internet has been waiting for.
National Heritage:
This is a international project that commits audiences, artists
and collaborators to a confrontation with their interpolation within
cultural, biological and technologised racisms. The project as a
whole operates by means of street poster / newspaper publication,
a WWW search engine 'Natural Selection', and a gallery installation.
In accomplishing its aims, the project will engender interpretive
methods of collaborative working between audiences, artists and
project contributors that exploit the possibilities presented by
new communications technology for artworking within a social context. |