
A Watercolour Waking Dream

I just got back from Latitude and wanted to share some photos and thoughts about the experience with you all. What a weekend! We had a late-night slot for our Watercolour performance with Nigel and Louise from Shunt on Friday …

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Curator Emma Chambers on choosing works for Restless Times

The Restless Times display at Tate Britain (until 6th November) explores art that responded to the uncertainty and change of the period 1914-1945, when new technology and social and political change were transforming people’s lives, but Britain and the rest …

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Pub, Bus, Cut, Thrust, Scrabble!

Late at Tate tonight was brilliant fun. Every activity was curated by different young people’s groups from the GBAD partner galleries, who came down to run each area themselves too! First, I checked out the Debate Bus, which looked splendid. …

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Captivate your imagination: visit Restless Times

Once in a while a display happens along which seems to capture the imagination and encapsulate the mood of both museum assistant and visitor alike. Restless Times, now showing at Tate Britain is very much in that mould. A pared-down …

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Family Matters: Your Ideas

First, thank you so much to everyone who submitted an idea for our Family Matters show either here, on facebook or twitter. We were quite overwhelmed by your thoughts and reminiscences about the family and how you felt about the …

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Help us decide what we hang at Tate Britain!

What matters to you about family? Do you feel that your family life is represented in art? Next year Tate Britain is going to host a Great British Art Debate display called Family Matters, looking at representations of the family …

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