Author Archives: Hannah Flynn

About Hannah Flynn

Hannah Flynn is E-Learning Assistant for Tate and Co-Ordinator for the Great British Art Debate online. Her favourite British artist is John Martin.

Late at Tate Britain

Friday 1 July 2011, 6:00pm til 10:00pm
Tate Britain

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Watercolour at Latitude

Friday 15 July at 23.00 – 02.00 approx

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Family Matters: Your Ideas

First, thank you so much to everyone who submitted an idea for our Family Matters show either here, on facebook or twitter. We were quite overwhelmed by your thoughts and reminiscences about the family and how you felt about the …

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Is art a necessity or a luxury?

Tate Britain
Friday, 1 July 2011

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Help us decide what we hang at Tate Britain!

What matters to you about family? Do you feel that your family life is represented in art? Next year Tate Britain is going to host a Great British Art Debate display called Family Matters, looking at representations of the family …

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New videos: how to paint with Watercolour

Have you ever tried painting with watercolour? Have you been put off because you feel like you have to be really exact and perfect? We worked with students from Archbiship Tenison School in London to ask artists and illustrators about …

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