APG Artist Placement Group
Introduction Overview Chronology Bibliography A-Z of People
APG members at 'Documenta 6' in Kassel, Germany 1977.

APG members at Documenta 6 in Kassel, Germany, 1977. From left to right: Ian Breakwell, Barbara Steveni, Nicholas Tresilian, John Latham and Hugh Davies. © APG/Tate Archive.


The Artist Placement Group (APG) emerged in London in the 1960s. The organisation actively sought to reposition the role of the artist within a wider social context, including government and commerce, while at the same time playing an important part in the history of conceptual art during the 1960s and 1970s. The Observer journalist, Peter Beaumont, has described the APG as ‘one of the most radical social experiments of the 1960s’.

This website resource provides visitors with background information on the APG. Included is an introduction to the APG, a chronology of events related to their activities, a bibliography and an A-Z list of people involved in the organisation. The content for the website is based on the records of APG acquired by Tate Archive in 2004. (TGA 2004 2)