Drawings Made at the Royal Academy Schools c.1789–99
From the entry
Turner entered the Royal Academy Schools, then at Somerset House on the Strand in London, in December 1789. The Schools had been an indispensable element in the Academy’s constitution from the time of its foundation under Royal patronage in 1768, and drawing both from casts of Antique and Renaissance sculptures, and from the undraped model was fundamental to the system of teaching that it promulgated: a system inherited from European Academies, most obviously in Italy and France. The drawings catalogued here are divided into subsections comprising anatomical studies, studies from the Antique, copies from other drawings and drawings from the nude model; they all appear to date from the 1790s. Some miscellaneous studies from the same period are also included. The Royal Academy did not teach painting as a separate discipline, though from the beginning the President, Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792), delivered ‘Discourses’ at first annually, but after 1772 biennially, to the Academicians and students ...
How to cite
Andrew Wilton, ‘Drawings Made at the Royal Academy Schools c.1789–99’, April 2012, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, December 2012, https://www