The Camden Town Group in Context

ISBN 978-1-84976-385-1

Jacob Epstein Letter to James Bolivar Manson 5 April 1911

Jacob Epstein 'Letter to James Bolivar Manson' 5 April 1911
Jacob Epstein 1880–1959
Letter to James Bolivar Manson 5 April 1911
Tate Archive TGA 806/1/300
© The estate of Sir Jacob Epstein
The sculptor Jacob Epstein and the painter James Bolivar Manson met in 1903 when they shared a studio in Paris while studying. Despite their artistic differences, the two became good friends and obviously encouraged and helped one another. As well as being an artist, Manson also wrote art criticism. In this letter Epstein informs Manson that he has spoken to the painter Augustus John about Manson writing an article on him for publication in the Studio. John was famous and well respected at the time and even had his own studio at the Chenil Gallery in Chelsea, which Epstein mentions. See also TGA 792/17, TGA 806/1/301, TGA 806/1/302, TGA 806/1/303 and 806/1/304

Helena Bonett
July 2011


April 5 1911
[Letterhead:] 72, Cheyne Walk,
Chelsea, S.W.
My dear Manson.
 I have seen John & spoke of our calling on him & about the Studio; he is not at all averse to an article on him in the Studio. I should call on him & say who you are; I have mentioned your name & so he will be prepared to meet you. There is no good making an appointment with him; he doesn’t keep appointments. Just call at the studio [?next] Chenil’s or at his house 153 Church St.
If you’d like me to go with you I will.
Remember us to your wife
Yours. Jacob Epstein.

How to cite

Jacob Epstein, Letter to James Bolivar Manson, 5 April 1911, in Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy (eds.), The Camden Town Group in Context, Tate Research Publication, May 2012,, accessed 31 March 2025.