The London Group's Rules and Constitution 25 October 1913–3 January 1914

The London Group's Rules and Constitution 25 October 1913–3 January 1914
Typescript, by James Bolivar Manson (1879-1945)
Tate Archive TGA 806/10/6
© Estate of James Bolivar Manson
The London Group's Rules and Constitution 25 October 1913–3 January 1914
Typescript, by James Bolivar Manson (1879-1945)
Tate Archive TGA 806/10/6
© Estate of James Bolivar Manson
James Bolivar Manson was secretary of the Camden Town Group and so responsible for the group’s records. Here he has typed up the rules and constitution of the newly formed London Group following meetings from October 1913 to January 1914, making amendments to the rules as they were revised over this period.
Rules and Constitution.
Rules and Constitution.
President H. Gilman
Hon. Treasurer R.P. Bevan
Hon. Secretary J.B. Manson
Hon. Treasurer R.P. Bevan
Hon. Secretary J.B. Manson
1. The Society shall be called The London Group.
2. Membership shall be limited to artists resident in the United
Rescinded Jan 3/1914
3. The Executive Committee of the Group shall consist of the
President, the Treasurer and the Secretary.
4. The President shall be re-elected every year.
5. The President shall be the Official Head and Representative of
the Group.
6. Candidates for election to Membership of the London Group should
be invited to submit work and their names duly proposed and
seconded by members of the group should be posted up in the
Studio, 19 Fitzroy Street, immediately after an election and
remain up until the following election.
7. Elections of Members to take place on the first Saturday in each
month, except during the Summer and other vacations. July Aug Sept [in the margin].
8. The election of members will take place at a meeting of the Group;
members unable to be present shall be entitled to record their
votes by post, providing their papers reach the secretary not
later than the first post in the morning of the day of election;
or they may give written proxies to other members to
represent and to act for them.
9. In the election of members each adverse vote shall cancel one
favourable vote and to secure election a member must finally
obtain the votes of at least one third of the total number of members.
10. The Group will hold two exhibitions a year, one in the Spring and
one in the Autumn.
11. The works exhibited by each member shall be hung together in a group unless a member
[?demands otherwise]
12. The annual subscription for membership of the group shall be
paid in advance in half-yearly instalments.
13. Failure to pay subscription shall prevent a member from participating in
the exhibitions of the Group and may lead to his
name being struck off the list of members.
2. Membership shall be limited to artists resident in the United
Rescinded Jan 3/1914
3. The Executive Committee of the Group shall consist of the
President, the Treasurer and the Secretary.
4. The President shall be re-elected every year.
5. The President shall be the Official Head and Representative of
the Group.
6. Candidates for election to Membership of the London Group should
be invited to submit work and their names duly proposed and
seconded by members of the group should be posted up in the
Studio, 19 Fitzroy Street, immediately after an election and
remain up until the following election.
7. Elections of Members to take place on the first Saturday in each
month, except during the Summer and other vacations. July Aug Sept [in the margin].
8. The election of members will take place at a meeting of the Group;
members unable to be present shall be entitled to record their
votes by post, providing their papers reach the secretary not
later than the first post in the morning of the day of election;
or they may give written proxies to other members to
represent and to act for them.
9. In the election of members each adverse vote shall cancel one
favourable vote and to secure election a member must finally
obtain the votes of at least one third of the total number of members.
10. The Group will hold two exhibitions a year, one in the Spring and
one in the Autumn.
11. The works exhibited by each member shall be hung together in a group unless a member
[?demands otherwise]
12. The annual subscription for membership of the group shall be
paid in advance in half-yearly instalments.
13. Failure to pay subscription shall prevent a member from participating in
the exhibitions of the Group and may lead to his
name being struck off the list of members.
[Multiplication sums written horizontally along the bottom of the page:]
How to cite
The London Group's Rules and Constitution, 25 October 1913-3 January 1914, in Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy (eds.), The Camden Town Group in Context, Tate Research Publication, May 2012, https://www