The Camden Town Group in Context

ISBN 978-1-84976-385-1

Spencer Gore


Artist’s writings
1910Spencer Gore, ‘Cezanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh &c., at the Grafton Galleries’, Art News, 15 December 1910, pp.19–20.

Exhibition catalogues

1911Spencer Gore, Chenil Galleries, London, March–April 1911.
1913Paintings by Spencer F. Gore and Harold Gilman, Carfax & Co., London, January 1913.
1916Paintings by the Late Spencer F. Gore, Carfax & Co., London, February 1916.
1918Paintings by the Late Spencer F. Gore, Carfax & Co., London, June–July 1918.
1920Paintings by the Late Spencer F. Gore, Paterson Carfax Gallery, London, October 1920.
1923Paintings by Spencer F. Gore: Lent by Mrs. Gore, Oxford Arts Club, February–March 1923.
1928Exhibition of Paintings by Spencer F. Gore, Leicester Galleries, London, April 1928.
1933Important Landscapes From Private Collections by Gore, Grant, Innes, John, Sickert, Smith, Steer, Arthur Tooth & Sons, London, 21 April–13 May 1933.
1955Spencer Frederick Gore, Arts Council of Great Britain, London, 3 November–3 December 1955. Introduction by J. Wood Palmer.
1962Spencer Gore 1878–1914, Frederick Gore 1913–, Redfern Gallery, London, 6 February–3 March 1962. Introduction by J. Wood Palmer. Includes 158 works by Spencer Gore.
1970Spencer Frederick Gore, 1878–1914, The Minories, Colchester, 12 March–4 April 1970, Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 14–30 April 1970, Graves Art Gallery, Sheffield, 12 May–7 June 1970. Introduction by John Woodeson.
1974Spencer Frederick Gore, 1878–1914, Anthony d’Offay Gallery, London, 26 March–3 May 1974. Text by Frederick Gore.
1975English Paintings from the Bevan Collection: A Memorial Exhibition for R.A. Bevan 1901–1974, Anthony d’Offay Gallery, London, 16 April–9 May 1975. Includes one work by Gore.
1983Spencer Frederick Gore, 1878–1914, Anthony d’Offay Gallery, London, 11 February–30 March 1983. Text by Frederick Gore and Richard Shone.
1986Artists at Applehayes: Camden Town Painters at a West Country Farm, 1909–1924, Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry, 24 May– 6 July 1986, Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery, 26 July–30 August 1986. Text by Rosalind Billingham.
1987Spencer Frederick Gore, Old Speech Room Gallery, Harrow, Summer 1987. Introduction by Frederick Gore.
1990Spencer Frederick Gore 1878–1914: Drawings and Watercolors, Davis & Langdale, New York, 9 October–10 November 1990. Introduction by Frederick Gore.
1996–7Spencer Gore and His Circle: With Special Focus on John Doman Turner, Piano Nobile, Richmond, Surrey, 10 September 1996–25 January 1997. Introduction by Denys Wilcox and text by James W. Robertson.
1996–7Spencer Gore in Richmond, Museum of Richmond, London, 19 September 1996–25 January 1997. Introduction by Frederick Gore with text by Robert Upstone.
1998–9Lucien Pissarro et le post-impressionnisme anglais: Harold Gilman, Spencer F. Gore, Lucien Pissarro, Walter R. Sickert, Musée de Pontoise, 28 November 1998–7 March 1999, Château Musée de Dieppe, 27 March–6 June 1999. Introduction by Christophe Duvivier with texts by Anne Thorold, Wendy Baron, Andrew Causey and Frederick Gore.
2006Spencer Gore in Letchworth, Letchworth Museum and Art Gallery, 16 September–28 October 2006. Text by Rosamond Allwood.
2008–10From Sickert to Gertler: Modern British Art from Boxted House, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, March–June 2008, Gainsborough’s House, Sudbury, October–December 2008, Brighton Art Gallery and Museums, April–September 2010. Texts by Alice Strang, Frances Stenlake, Caroline Cuthbert and Dick Chapman.


1922Frank Rutter, ‘Gilman and Gore’, Some Contemporary Artists, L. Parsons, London 1922, pp.123–37.
1952John Rothenstein, ‘Spencer Gore, 1878–1914’, Modern English Painters: Sickert to Smith, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London 1952, pp.194–202.
2002Ysanne Holt, ‘An Ideal Modernity: Spencer Gore at Letchworth’, in David Peters Corbett, Ysanne Holt and Fiona Russell (eds.), The Geographies of Englishness: Landscape and the Material Past, 1880–1940, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2002, pp.91–113.
2002David Peters Corbett, ‘The Geography of Blast: Landscape, Modernity and English Painting, 1914–1930’, in David Peters Corbett, Ysanne Holt and Fiona Russell (eds.), The Geographies of Englishness: Landscape and the Material Past, 1880–1940, Yale University Press, New Haven and London 2002, pp.115–40.
2003Ysanne Holt, ‘An Ideal Modernity: Spencer Gore at Letchworth’, British Artists and the Modernist Landscape, Ashgate, Aldershot 2003, pp.113–28. Revised version of 2002 chapter.


1914Walter Sickert, ‘A Perfect Modern’, New Age, 9 April 1914, p.718.
1914Frank Rutter, ‘The Late S.F. Gore’, New Weekly, 30 May 1914, p.343.
1914Wyndham Lewis, ‘Frederick Spencer Gore’, Blast, no.1, 20 June 1914, p.150.
1915Frank Rutter, ‘The Gore Exhibition at the Carfax Gallery’, Times, 11 February 1915.
1928Frank Rutter, ‘The Art of Spencer F. Gore: A Lyrical Painter’, Sunday Times, 22 April 1928.
1931Frank Rutter, ‘The Work of Harold Gilman and Spencer Gore: A Definitive Survey’, Studio, vol.101, no.456, March 1931, pp.202–11.
1955‘English Painting: Spencer Gore and the Camden Town Group’, Times, 8 November 1955.
1956J. Wood Palmer, ‘Spencer F. Gore: 1878–1914’, Studio, vol.151, no.754, January 1956, pp.16–19.
1962‘Spencer Gore and his Son’, Times, 7 February 1962.
1974John Woodeson, ‘Spencer Gore’, Connoisseur, vol.185, no.745, March 1974.
1974Janet Watts, ‘Janet Watts reviews Spencer Gore’, Guardian, 30 March 1974.
1974Nigel Gosling, ‘Poignant Reply’, Observer, 7 April 1974.
1974William Gaunt, ‘The Originality of Spencer Gore’, Times, 8 April 1974.
1974Marina Vaizey, ‘Spencer Gore and Stephen Buckley’, Financial Times, 18 April 1974.
1983Christopher Neve, ‘Garden-City Fretwork: Spencer Frederick Gore (1878–1914)’, Country Life, vol.173, no.4461, 17 February 1983, pp.378–9.
1983Terence Mullaly, ‘Painter’s Eye on Paris in a Life Cut Short’, Daily Telegraph, 21 February 1983.
1986Claudio Zambianchi, ‘Appunti su Spencer Frederick Gore e la pittura inglese fra il 1908 e il 1910’, Storia dell’Arte, no.58, 1986.

How to cite

‘Spencer Gore, Bibliography’, in Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy (eds.), The Camden Town Group in Context, Tate Research Publication, May 2012,, accessed 29 March 2025.