The Camden Town Group in Context

ISBN 978-1-84976-385-1

Charles Ginner


Artist’s writings

1911Charles Ginner, ‘Les Indépendants’, Art News, 15 June 1911.
1911Charles Ginner, ‘The New English Art Club’, Art News, 15 December 1911.
1914Charles Ginner, ‘Neo-Realism’, New Age, 1 January 1914, pp.271–2.
1914Charles Ginner, ‘Letters to the Editor. Mr. Sickert and Mr. Poussin’, New Age, 7 May 1914, p.23.
1914Charles Ginner, ‘Letters to the Editor. Art and Criticism’, New Age, 11 June 1914, p.143.
1914Charles Ginner, ‘Letters to the Editor. Mr. Sickert versus “The Thickest Painters.”’, New Age, 9 July 1914, p.239.
1917Charles Ginner, ‘Modern Painting and Teaching’, Art and Letters, July 1917.
1919Charles Ginner, ‘The Cézanne Stunt’, Art and Letters, January 1919.
1919Charles Ginner, ‘Harold Gilman: An Appreciation’, Art and Letters, vol.2, no.4, Summer 1919, pp.129–35 and in Memorial Exhibition of Works by the Late Harold Gilman, exhibition catalogue, Leicester Galleries, London 1919, pp.3–8.
1945Charles Ginner, ‘The Camden Town Group’, Studio, vol.130, no.632, November 1945, pp.129–36.

Exhibition catalogues

1914An Exhibition of Paintings by Harold Gilman and Charles Ginner, Goupil Gallery, London, 18 April–9 May 1914. Reproduction of ‘Neo-Realism’ by Charles Ginner.
1920Exhibition of Drawings in Colour by Charles Ginner and Landscape in Oils by James L. Henry, Leicester Galleries, London, March 1920. Includes thirty-five works by Ginner.
1922Charles Ginner: Recently Executed Paintings, Goupil Gallery, London, 20 April–11 May 1922.
1924Oil Paintings, Water-colours and Drawings by Charles Ginner, Louise Pickard, Ethel Walker, Goupil Gallery, London, January 1924–. Includes twenty-nine works by Ginner.
1925An Exhibition of Paintings by Charles Ginner, Godfrey Phillips Galleries, London, 26 October 1925–. Introduction by Hubert Wellington.
1951Exhibition of Paintings and Sketches by James Pryde, Sir Wm Nicholson, Augustus John, Charles Ginner, etc., Leger Galleries, London, 2–31 October 1951.
1953–4Charles Ginner 1878–1952, Arts Council tour, Darlington Art Gallery, November 1953, Bristol City Art Gallery, November–December 1953, Carlisle Art Gallery, January 1954, Tate Gallery, London, January–February 1954, Southampton Art Gallery, February–March 1954, Assembly House, Norwich, March–April 1954. Reproductions of texts by Hubert Wellington and Ginner.
1959Paintings by Charles Ginner, J. Leger & Son, London, 24 February–18 March 1959. Introduction by Anton Lock.
1969Charles Ginner 1878–1952: Paintings and Drawings, Piccadilly Gallery, London, 18 March–12 April 1969. Introduction by Benjamin Fairfax Hall.
1971British Paintings 1900–1971: William Brooker, Richard Eurich, Charles Ginner, Tristram Hillier, J.D. Innes, Augustus John, Derwent Lees, Lucien Pissarro, Walter Sickert, Matthew Smith, Stanley Spencer, Christopher Wood, Arthur Tooth & Sons, London, 20 April–15 May 1971.
1973Recent Acquisitions of XXth Century British Painting: Including Work by William Brooker, Richard Eurich, Charles Ginner, Tristram Hillier, J.D. Innes, Augustus John, C.R.W. Nevinson, Lucien Pissarro, W.R. Sickert, Matthew Smith, Stanley Spencer, Arthur Tooth & Sons, London, 30 October– 24 November 1973.
1975English Paintings from the Bevan Collection: A Memorial Exhibition for R.A. Bevan 1901–1974, Anthony d’Offay Gallery, London, 16 April–9 May 1975. Includes two works by Ginner.
1980Exhibition of Paintings by Charles Ginner, Godfrey Phillips Galleries, London, 26 October 1980–. Introduction by Hubert Wellington.
1985Charles Isaac Ginner A.R.A. (born Cannes 1878, died London 1952), Fine Art Society, London, 7–25 October 1985. Introduction by Brian Sewell.
1986Artists at Applehayes: Camden Town Painters at a West Country Farm, 1909–1924, Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, Coventry, 24 May– 6 July 1986, Plymouth City Museum and Art Gallery, 26 July–30 August 1986. Text by Rosalind Billingham.
1996The Friday Club, 1905–1922, Michael Parkin Gallery, London, 24 April–17 May 1996. Introduction by Richard Shone.
2008–10From Sickert to Gertler: Modern British Art from Boxted House, National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, March–June 2008, Gainsborough’s House, Sudbury, October–December 2008, Brighton Art Gallery and Museums, April–September 2010. Texts by Alice Strang, Frances Stenlake, Caroline Cuthbert and Dick Chapman.


1922Frank Rutter, ‘Charles Ginner’, Some Contemporary Artists, L. Parsons, London 1922, pp.141–53.
1952John Rothenstein: ‘Charles Ginner, 1878–1952’, Modern English Painters: Sickert to Smith, Eyre & Spottiswoode, London 1952, pp.188–93.
1965Benjamin Fairfax Hall, Paintings and Drawings by Harold Gilman and Charles Ginner in the Collection of Edward Le Bas, Fairfax Hall, London 1965.
1992H.R. Williamson, The Theory and Practice of Neo-Realism in the Work of Harold Gilman and Charles Ginner, unpublished Ph.D thesis, University of Leicester 1992.
2006Michael Lee, ‘Charles Ginner: Two Decades Portraying Flask Walk’, in Michael Lee, Marianne Colloms and Ellen Emerson (eds.), Flask Walk N.W.3., Pumpkinseed Productions, London 2006, pp.29–41.


1914T.E. Hulme, ‘Modern Art – II. A Preface Note and Neo-Realism’, New Age, 12 February 1914, pp.467–9.
1914Walter Sickert, ‘Mr. Ginner’s Preface’, New Age, 30 April 1914, pp.819–20.
1914Walter Sickert, ‘The Thickest Painters in London’, New Age, 18 June 1914, p.155.
1922Gerrard Gwathmey, ‘A Group of English Art Rebels: Gilman, Ginner, Bevan and Others and What They Stand For’, Arts & Decoration, August 1922, pp.252–3.
1933‘Mr. Charles Ginner’, Times, 27 February 1933.
1933Frank Rutter, ‘Charles Ginner’, Sunday Times, 5 March 1933.
1943F.G. Mories, ‘Artists of Note Number 95: Charles Ginner, ARA’, Artist, vol.24, no.5, January 1943, pp.109–11.
1952‘Obituary: Mr. Charles Ginner’, Times, 7 January 1952, p.6.
1952Hubert Wellington, ‘Charles Ginner: 1878–1952’, Listener, vol.57, no.1195, 24 January 1952, p.148.
1954‘Charles Ginner: Memorial Exhibition at the Tate’, Times, 30 January 1954, p.8.
1970Malcolm Easton, ‘Charles Ginner: Viewing and Finding’, Apollo, vol.91, no.97, March 1970, pp.204–9.
1978Huon Mallalieu, ‘Auction record of £10,000 for Charles Ginner’, Times, 10 June 1978, p.14.
2003Wendy Baron, ‘The Many Faces of Dora Sly’, Burlington Magazine, vol.145, no.1204, July 2003, pp.516–19.

How to cite

‘Charles Ginner, Bibliography’, in Helena Bonett, Ysanne Holt, Jennifer Mundy (eds.), The Camden Town Group in Context, Tate Research Publication, May 2012,, accessed 31 March 2025.