A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.II, p.946, CCXCIII 47a, as ‘Chateau of Lausanne. (J[ohn].R[uskin].)’.
Ian Warrell, Through Switzerland with Turner: Ruskin’s First Selection from the Turner Bequest, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1995, p.138 no.91.
David Hill, Joseph Mallord William Turner: Le Mont-Blanc et la Vallée d’Aoste, exhibition catalogue, Museo Archeologico Regionale, Aosta / Musée Archéologique Régional, Aoste 2000, p.106 reproduced as ‘Losanna vista da nord-est, con a destra il Lago Lemano e la chiesa di Saint Francois e a sinistra il Castello’.