Joseph Mallord William Turner The Pantheon, the Morning after the Fire 1792
Joseph Mallord William Turner,
The Pantheon, the Morning after the Fire
Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775–1851
The Pantheon, the Morning after the Fire 1792
Turner Bequest IX A
Turner Bequest IX A
Pencil, watercolour and bodycolour on white wove paper laid down on laid card, 395 x 515 mm
Inscribed by Turner in watercolour ‘W Turner | Del’ on cylinder and ‘N 5’ on fire engine, lower left, and ‘LOW | Printer’ on flyer on wall towards centre right
Inscribed by Turner in watercolour ‘W Turner | Del’ on cylinder and ‘N 5’ on fire engine, lower left, and ‘LOW | Printer’ on flyer on wall towards centre right
Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856
Exhibition history
Royal Academy, London 1792 (472).
Turner 1775–1851, Royal Academy, London, November 1974–March 1975 (7).
Exposicion del Gran pintor ingles, William Turner: Oleos y acuarelas: Collecciones de la Tate Gallery, British Museum y otros museos ingleses, Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, August–September 1979 (BM1, reproduced).
Oleos y acuarelas de Joseph Mallord William Turner, Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela, October[–?November] 1979 (1, reproduced in colour).
Turner & Architecture, Tate Gallery, London, March–July 1988 (6).
Turner and the Human Figure: Studies of Contemporary Life, Tate Gallery, London, April–July 1989 (13, reproduced in colour).
Turner: The Great Watercolours, Royal Academy of Arts, London, December 2000–February 2001 (1, reproduced in colour).
A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.I, p.13, IX A, as ‘Scene in Oxford Street, the morning after the Fire’.
Adrian Stokes, ‘The Art of Turner (1775–1851)’, in Painting and the Inner World, London 1963, pp.66–7.
John Gage, Colour in Turner: Poetry and Truth, London 1969, p.24.
Andrew Wilton, J.M.W. Turner: His Life and Work, Fribourg 1979, p.303 no.27, pl.9 (colour).
Curtis Price, ‘Turner at the Pantheon Opera House, 1791–2’, Turner Studies, vol.7, no.2, Winter 1987, p.2, fig.1.
Evelyn Joll, ‘review of Turner and Architecture’, Turner Studies, vol.8, no.1, Summer 1988, p.51.
Joyce H. Townsend, ‘Turner’s Painting Materials: A Preliminary Discussion’, Turner Studies, vol.10, no.1, Summer 1990, p.29.
David Blayney Brown, Turner in the Tate Collection, London 2002, p.39. reproduced in colour.
Judy Egerton, George Stubbs, Painter: Catalogue Raisonné, New Haven and London 2007, p.38, reproduced in colour p.39.
Technique and condition
This is an accurate graphite pencil drawing on white paper. Turner used both freehand sketching and ruling in this work. The stone blocks were lightly ruled first in graphite pencil and the figures were added into spaces left for them while the blocks were being drawn. The glazing bars have been ruled in watercolour. A narrow range of colour mixes has been used, e.g. vermillion and brown ochre has been used for the bricks. A fox-brown lake pigment similar to the several brownish-red madder lakes on an iron-based substrate found among Turner's studio pigments can be recognised by analysis. The studio pigments were redder in appearance than this, which indicates that it has faded. A yellow lake pigment is present too, a material also likely to fade on light exposure. Such colour losses may be responsible for the large number of white areas seen in the costumes today.
Helen Evans
October 2008
Revised by Joyce Townsend
January 2011
How to cite
Helen Evans, 'Technique and Condition', October 2008, revised by Joyce Townsend, January 2011, in Andrew Wilton, ‘The Pantheon, the Morning after the Fire 1792 by Joseph Mallord William Turner’, catalogue entry, April 2012, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, December 2012, https://wwwThe Pantheon Assembly Rooms, the first important building designed by the leading Neo-Classical architect James Wyatt (1746–1813), had been erected in Oxford Street in 1772. In 1790 they were converted into an opera house, under the management of Robert Bray O’Reilly, with William Hodges as ‘Inventor and Painter of the Decorations’. Hodges painted a view of the interior, to which William Pars added figures, shortly after the building was opened; the picture is now in Temple Newsam House, Leeds.1
On 30 April 1791 a ‘W Turner’ began to work in the painting room, continuing there until the building was burnt down on 14 January 1792. Arson was strongly suspected, and rumour suggested that the scene painting room had been the source of the blaze. Curtis Price has proposed, partly on the evidence of signatures on receipts, that ‘W Turner’ was the sixteen-year-old J.M.W. Turner, who showed this finished watercolour of the Pantheon immediately after the fire at the Academy exhibition of 1792. A professional connection with the building would explain his interest, although the fire might well have attracted his attention in any case. It has been pointed out by Judith Milhous and others that the salary of the Pantheon’s ‘W Turner’ was far in excess of what a sixteen-year-old student might have expected to earn, that the signatures of the two Turners, which appear respectively in the receipts of the Pantheon and in the Royal Academy’s Schools books, despite a superficial similarity, are in fact by different hands, and that the identification is therefore probably erroneous.2 Turner was to go on to draw several of Wyatt’s buildings or restorations, including Salisbury Cathedral, Fonthill, New College and Christ Church, Oxford, and the Brocklesby Mausoleum (see elsewhere in the present catalogue).
The view of the façade of the Pantheon itself, together with its immediately adjacent buildings, is taken from Turner’s pencil study (Tate D17127; Turner Bequest CXCV 156). His finished watercolour of the interior of the ruin3 (see under Tate D00122; Turner Bequest IX B) was formerly thought to have been the work exhibited at the Royal Academy. He seems to have derived his general approach to the scene, with its lively representative figures, from the large London views of Thomas Malton and Edward Dayes, e.g. Malton’s St Paul’s Church, Covent Garden, of about 1787 (Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester, D.1951–14) and Dayes’s Buckingham House, St James’s Park of 1790, in the Victoria and Albert Museum (1756–1871). Finberg read the signature as ‘Wm. Turner, 1792’, noting that the date was ‘very indistinct, and perhaps questionable’.
Technical notes:
Townsend points out that the blues in this sheet have faded; apart from slight discolouration owing to exposure it is generally in good condition. Turner’s use of opaque white to achieve some of the icicles which are such a striking feature of the drawing is unusual; he generally eschewed body colour as a means of achieving highlights in his watercolours.
Blank; the card stained with a spilt liquid; inscribed in a modern hand: ‘11’; stamped in brown ink with Turner Bequest monogram.
Andrew Wilton
April 2012
How to cite
Andrew Wilton, ‘The Pantheon, the Morning after the Fire 1792 by Joseph Mallord William Turner’, catalogue entry, April 2012, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, December 2012, https://www