This image has been drawn using black and white chalk on buff-grey laid wrapping paper, of the type used by students at the Royal Academy during this period. The paper colour arises from the inclusion of colour rags when it was made, and it has faded. The top left-hand corner of the recto is missing. Prior to conservation the bottom right-hand corner of the recto had been reattached using pressure-sensitive tape stuck to the verso of the sheet, which has caused staining and discolouration of the paper in this area.
There is an area of loss on the right-hand side of the top edge of recto. There are also various small nicks and tears around the edges of the paper. Oil-based stains are visible on the recto on both the left-hand edge near the top of the paper and on the middle of the top edge of the paper. On the verso is a light, unfinished pencil sketch of the same subject.
Helen Evans
August 2009
Revised by Joyce Townsend
February 2011
How to cite
Helen Evans, 'Technique and Condition', August 2009, revised by Joyce Townsend, February 2011, in Andrew Wilton, ‘Study of a Figure in the Pose of the Dying Gaul ?1792 by Joseph Mallord William Turner’, catalogue entry, April 2012, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, December 2012,, accessed 14 January 2025.