Joseph Mallord William Turner Jumièges c.1832
Joseph Mallord William Turner,
Joseph Mallord William Turner 1775–1851
Jumièges c.1832
Turner Bequest CCLIX 131
Turner Bequest CCLIX 131
Gouache and watercolour on blue paper, 139 x 191 mm
Blind-stamped with Turner Bequest monogram bottom right
Stamped in black ‘CCLIX – 131’ bottom right
Blind-stamped with Turner Bequest monogram bottom right
Stamped in black ‘CCLIX – 131’ bottom right
Accepted by the nation as part of the Turner Bequest 1856
Exhibition history
National Gallery, London, various dates to at least 1904 (155, as ‘Jumiès’ (sic)).
J.M.W. Turner 1775–1851: Impressions de Gran Bretanya i el Continent Europeu / Impresiones de Gran Bretaña y el Continente Europeo, Centre Cultural de la Fundació ”la Caixa”, Barcelona, September–November 1993, Sala de Exposiciones de la Fundación ”la Caixa”, Madrid, November 1993–January 1994 (55).
J.M.W. Turner 1775–1851: Aquarelles et Dessins du Legs Turner: Collection de la Tate Gallery, Londres / Watercolours and Drawings from the Turner Bequest: Collection from the Tate Gallery, London, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi, September–December 1994 (55).
Turner on the Seine, Tate Gallery, London, June–October 1999, Pavillon des Arts, Paris, October 1999–January 2000, Musée Malraux, Le Havre, March–June (127).
Hockney on Turner Watercolours, Tate Britain, London, June 2007–February 2008.
Atlas, 15 December 1833, p.804.
Examiner, 22 December 1833, p.806.
E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn eds., Library Edition: The Works of John Ruskin: Volume III: Modern Painters: Volume I: Containing Parts I and II: Of General Principles; and Of Truth, London 1903, pp.400, 549.
E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn eds., Library Edition: The Works of John Ruskin: Volume XIII: Turner: The Harbours of England; Catalogues and Notes, London 1904, pp.387, 615 no.155, as ‘Jumiès’ (sic).
A.J. Finberg, A Complete Inventory of the Drawings of the Turner Bequest, London 1909, vol.II, p.796, CCLIX 131, as ‘Jumièges’.
W[illiam] G[eorge] Rawlinson, The Engraved Work of J.M.W. Turner, R.A., vol.II, London 1913, p.267 under no.463.
Andrew Wilton, Turner in the British Museum: Drawings and Watercolours, exhibition catalogue, Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London 1975, p.104 under no.163.
Andrew Wilton, J.M.W. Turner: His Life and Work, Fribourg 1979, p.413 no.961, reproduced.
Maurice Guillaud, Nicholas Alfrey, Andrew Wilton and others, Turner en France: aquarelles, peintures, dessins, gravures, carnets de croquis / Turner in France: Watercolours, Paintings, Drawings, Engravings, Sketchbooks, exhibition catalogue, Centre Culturel du Marais, Paris 1981, no.80, p.344, fig.710.
Ann Chumbley and Ian Warrell, Turner and the Human Figure: Studies of Contemporary Life, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1989, p.52 under no.55.
Luke Herrmann, Turner Prints: The Engraved Work of J.M.W. Turner, Oxford 1990, pp.172–3.
Evelyn Joll, ‘Review: Turner: The Fifth Decade: Watercolours 1830–1840’, Turner Society News, no.61, August 1992, p.7.
Anne Lyles, Turner: The Fifth Decade: Watercolours 1830–1840, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1992, pp.18, 58–9 no.27, reproduced.
Ian Warrell, J.M.W. Turner 1775–1851: Impressions de Gran Bretanya i el Continent Europeu / Impresiones de Gran Bretaña y el Continente Europeo, exhibition catalogue, Centre Cultural de la Fundació ”la Caixa”, Barcelona 1993, p.174 no.55, reproduced in colour, pp.278–279, 301.
Ian Warrell, J.M.W. Turner 1775–1851: Aquarelles et Dessins du Legs Turner: Collection de la Tate Gallery, Londres / Watercolours and Drawings from the Turner Bequest: Collection from the Tate Gallery, London, exhibition catalogue, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Charleroi 1994, pp.32, 34, 178 no.55, reproduced in colour.
Ian Warrell, Through Switzerland with Turner: Ruskin’s First Selection from the Turner Bequest, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1995, p.148 under nos.67–83.
William S. Rodner, J.M.W. Turner: Romantic Painter of the Industrial Revolution, Berkeley and London 1997, pp.41–3, fig.13.
Ian Warrell, Turner on the Seine, exhibition catalogue, Tate Gallery, London 1999, pp.38, 69, 70, 81, 156, 160, 257 note 27, 275 no.127, fig.132 (colour).
David Blayney Brown, Turner Watercolours, exhibition catalogue, Tate Britain, London 2007, p.93.
By J.C. Armytage in 1833, published in 1834.
By J.C. Armytage in 1833, published in 1834.
In this watercolour, Turner depicts a group of figures in a boat on the river Seine in northern France. In just a few strokes of light-coloured gouache Turner evokes Jumièges Abbey, gleaming dramatically against the surrounding dark sky and the dark vegetation at right. The ships indicated in the background at far left and the smooth water create a sense of stillness, which is threatened by the dark tones and sweeping cloud shapes of the brooding sky. Waves seem to have picked up in the lower left foreground and the boat and its passengers seem precarious. However, there is a hint of a rainbow across the sky, suggesting the storm has passed. A church tower is visible beyond the trees at far right.
Art historians have proposed that the watercolour was based on a sketch (Tate D23815; Turner Bequest CCLIII 59a)1 from Turner’s Tancarville and Lillebonne sketchbook, believed to date from 1829, although this sketch in fact shows a differing scene of figures in the foreground aboard a steamship with the other side of abbey in the distance. Art historian Ian Warrell states that this southern viewpoint of Jumièges has no direct counterpart in the sketchbooks, as most of Turner’s views of Jumièges show it from the north, or west, and the viewpoint may arise from a sketch (Tate D24018; Turner Bequest CCLIV 69a) in Turner’s Seine and Paris sketchbook of 1832.2
Blank, except for an inscription ‘14’ in black gouache in the upper right corner of the sheet, probably made by Turner. The lower right of the sheet is inscribed with a pencil note reading ‘16 a’. The lower centre of the sheet is stamped with the Turner Bequest monogram above the number ‘CCLIX – 131’, which is also written in pencil above, at centre of the sheet.
Caroline South
November 2017
How to cite
Caroline South, ‘Jumièges c.1832 by Joseph Mallord William Turner’, catalogue entry, November 2017, in David Blayney Brown (ed.), J.M.W. Turner: Sketchbooks, Drawings and Watercolours, Tate Research Publication, November 2019, https://www