The whole page is taken up with the following, inscribed in pen and brown ink:
Recept for making | an [?Efficitable] ointment for [?Cut] Br[?uises]
Solomons Seal leaves and Buds
Comfrey Do
in equal quantity to which | may be added a handfull of | Parsley these herbs must be cut | small bruised in a stone mortar | boil’d for some hours in a Bell mold | Kettle over a slow fire in a | sufficient quantity of unwashd | butter to make the Herbs thorougly [sic] | moist it must stand ten or 12 | days after which strain thro. | a Cloth, the Juice then to be boild and well skimmd and | run into small Jars or Pots
Given by Miss Narraway of | Bristol
James Hamilton gives this recipe as chronologically the first in a list of medical remedies found in Turner’s sketchbooks,
1 at all stages of his life until the late 1830s. Miss Narraway was a member of the Bristol family with whom Turner had stayed on his first visit to the city in 1791; see the
Bristol and Malmesbury sketchbook (Tate; Turner Bequest VI), and the Introduction to the 1798
Hereford Court sketchbook (Tate; Turner Bequest XXXVIII). See also the studies of shipping at Bristol in the present book, on folios 13 verso–14 recto and 14 verso–15 recto (
D01701–D01704; Turner Bequest XLII 26–27, 28–29).