Sixth Loan Collection, National Gallery, London 1896, Bradford Art Gallery 1897–1904, Hanley Museum 1905–6, National Gallery, London 1907, Wolverhampton Art Gallery 1908, National Gallery, London 1908, Manchester Municipal Art Gallery 1909–10, Leeds City Art Gallery 1911–12, Blackburn Art Gallery 1913, Central Public Library and Museum, Bootle, July 1914, Bradford Art Gallery 1915–18, Blackburn Art Gallery 1919–22, Wolverhampton 1923, Tate Gallery, London 1924–6, Swansea 1927–9, Hastings 1930, transferred to the British Museum, London 1931 (no catalogue, but numbered 27).
J.M.W. Turner in Luxembourg and its neighbourhood, Musée de l’Etat, Luxembourg, March–April 1984 (23, as Vue de Luxembourg [?]: la vallée de l’Alzette, Eich, Weimerskirch, Dommeldange [?]).
Turner’s Rivers of Europe: The Rhine, Meuse and Mosel, Tate Gallery, London, September 1991–January 1992, Musée Communal d’Ixelles, Brussels, February–April 1992 (85, reproduced).
La Meuse, de Turner à Delvaux, Maison de la Culture, Namur, September–October 2001 (63, reproduced in colour p.23).