You might like Left Right Warehouses between Shelton St and Earlham St David Gentleman 1972 From a Conversation between Hermes and Menipeus on a Field of Snow Ceri Richards 1971 VIII ‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day’ Keith Michell 1975 Closing Day Zsuzsi Roboz 1975 Let Us ... it Arden / And Live in It! R.B. Kitaj 1966 Interior (Day) Howard Hodgkin 1974 Map No. IV The Time Before and After Mid Day Homage to C.D. Friedrich Jens Lausen 1969 Day and Night Sir Eduardo Paolozzi 1974 Worker for Nordeste Shows His Family the New City Designed by Oscar Niemeyer on Inauguration Day, Brasilia, Brazil, 1960 René Burri 1960, printed 2014 Workers and Soldiers Unite! Peter László Peri 1943 Robert Paul, 216 Johnson Street, 10 year old newsy. Found at 11 P. N. with 12 papers near ? Hotel. Been at it 4 years. Often sells until midnight. He and brother make about $1.50 a day. Goes to school little. Sells around the college inn Lewis W. Hine date not known Shahjahan Apa - International Women’s Day gathering, Dakshinpuri, Delhi Sheba Chhachhi 1980, printed 2014