You might like Left Right ‘To me the window is still a symbolically loaded motif’ Drawled Cody Glen Baxter 1978 Telefon Blinky Palermo (Peter Heisterkamp), Gerhard Richter 1971 it is here Ian Hamilton Finlay 1966 opening the cage: 14 variations on 14 words - i have nothing to say and i am saying it and that is poetry (john cage) Edwin Morgan 1966 no title David Mitchinson 1966 no title M. Caroline Berman 1966 no title Klaus Burkhardt 1965 no title Klaus Burkhardt 1965 no title Klaus Burkhardt 1965 no title Klaus Burkhardt 1965 no title Klaus Burkhardt 1965 Dividing Space on a White Piece of Paper Füsun Onur 1965–6