You might like Left Right Sensitive content With Dead Head Damien Hirst 1991 Self-Portrait (Feet Frontal) John Coplans 1984 Self-Portrait (Back with Arms Above) John Coplans 1984 Self-Portrait (Torso, Front) John Coplans 1984 Self-Portrait (Hands Spread on Knees) John Coplans 1985 Walter Benjamin Peter Kennard 1990 A watchtower guarding a street of foreign embassies in central Kabul. For the British army these improvised fortifications are called ‘sangars’, although the term is Dari for ‘barricade’ and is one of the few words the British brought home form the Anglo- Simon Norfolk 2011 The armoury of the British Embassy. The Embassy has a guard force of five hundred. Simon Norfolk 2011 Self-Portrait (Back No. 16) John Coplans 1992 Industrial Hole 4 Tim Head 1997 Self-Portrait (Frieze No. 2, Four Panels) John Coplans 1994 Surrendering Graham Gussin 1994–5