You might like Left Right Even the U.S. Senate is More Progressive than Hollywood Update Guerrilla Girls 2016 Even Michelle Bachmann Believes We All Have the Same Civil Rights Guerrilla Girls 2012 Wasteland at the back of shops used as stabling for draught horses. In the distance is the Bala Hissar citadel, now home to an Afghan army base and mooring for one of the American blimps that carry electronic surveillance gear and cameras. Simon Norfolk 2011 A watchtower guarding a street of foreign embassies in central Kabul. For the British army these improvised fortifications are called ‘sangars’, although the term is Dari for ‘barricade’ and is one of the few words the British brought home form the Anglo- Simon Norfolk 2011 The swimming pool that crowns Tepe Wazir Akhbar Khan, built by the Soviets in the 1970s and restored in recent times at great expense by USAID. It is uncertain if it will ever be used. Simon Norfolk 2011 A de-mining team from the Mine Detection Centre in Kabul with a member of the German Police who is mentoring them. Simon Norfolk 2011 A storage yard at Kandahar Air Field looking out beyond the wire, back into ‘Afghanistan’. Simon Norfolk 2011 Victrola Nam June Paik 2005 Sol LeWitt Upside Down - Structure with Three Towers, Expanded 23 Times, Split in Three Haegue Yang 2015 Lithic Verses Hera Büyüktaşcıyan 2020 bystander #14 Mari Katayama 2016, printed 2021 bystander #23 Mari Katayama 2016, printed 2020