Anne Estelle Rice 1877 – 1959 Untitled sketch of a dandelion and a dandelion clock © Estate of Anne Estelle Rice License this image Sketches, letters, etc. Postcard illustrated with a sketch of a train accident from Anne Estelle Rice and O. Raymond Drey to David Drey Anne Estelle Rice, Raymond Drey, recipient: David Drey 27 June 1923 Postcard illustrated with a sketch of a Medieval knight and his horse from Anne Estelle Rice and O. Raymond Drey to David Drey Anne Estelle Rice, Raymond Drey, recipient: David Drey 9 July 1923 Untitled study of female figures Anne Estelle Rice 1951 Costume design titled ‘Mistress Quickly as a Fairy’ Anne Estelle Rice date not known See all 149