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Sir Norman Reid
Sir Norman Reid

© Tate Archive 2003
Sir Norman Reid
(1964 - 1979)

Norman Reid joined the Tate staff on being demobbed from the army in 1946, and became Rothenstein's right-hand man, eventually taking over as Director when Rothenstein retired. A much needed expansion of the Gallery, the 'North East Quadrant' was built in 1979 during Reid's directorship, vastly increasing the Tate's exhibition space. Reid also strengthened the Collection, particularly in the area of early twentieth-century European art, acquiring outstanding works by artists including Brancusi, Mondrian, and Dali.

The strong personal relationships he forged with artists (he himself had trained as a painter), also led to important works being donated to the Gallery. Rothko's Seagram murals, and work by Hepworth, Ben Nicholson, Naum Gabo and Henry Moore were all gifted to Tate largely as a result of the personal respect the artists had for Reid.

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