
Looking for Change

Creating a learning resource for teachers to use before, during and after their visit to a museum or gallery.


Working with the same group of children from three primary schools over a three-year period, Looking for Change involved children visiting Tate Modern to explore the galleries, participate in exciting, learning-filled workshops in school, and make their own art. The project involved volunteers from UBS and a team of artist educators.

What is Looking for Change?

Placing value on the traditional skills of observation and drawing, Looking for Change offers you and your pupils a model for engaging with all art objects (paintings, installation, drawing, photographs, sculpture, film and performance), using discussion, drawing and reflection to affect change in how we learn.

‘Looking for Change is exactly that – a way to support your children in looking for changes in the world in which they live, as well as a way for teachers to find a change in the way that they teach. A resource that opens everyone’s eyes to the fact that learning is no longer transferral of knowledge from one to another, but is a method of exploration.’

– Hannah Perkins, Primary School teacher, Charles Dickens Primary School.

Find out more about the background of the project, read a case study or download our portable guide resource.


If you would like to know more about the project, or have any questions for the Schools team, please contact Leanne Turvey at Tate:

Project Information

Project types
Research project
Learning project
Schools project
Lead department
Tate Learning
Project leaders
Roy Smith (artist)
and Professor Shelby Wolf University of Colorado at Boulder (researcher)