
Ethnography in the art museum

A research seminar at Tate Britain organised under the auspices of the Tate Research Centre: Learning examining ethnographic practices within the art museum.

Ethnography in the art museum was the second of three events at Tate examining key questions for research and practice in arts and cultural learning organised under the auspices of the Tate Research Centre: Learning. This seminar focused on how ethnographic approaches and concepts have developed over time and been adopted within the art museum, impacting on curatorial, learning and participatory art practices. The event brought together artists, curators, museum professionals and academics who considered the historic trajectory of ethnography, it’s current status within the art museum and the challenges and opportunities posed by ethnography as a way of knowing and representing ‘the other’.

The day-long event included provocations from Curator Sam Thorne and academic Professor Patricia Thomson, University of Nottingham and peer-led small group discussions.

For further information please contact Emily Pringle Head of Learning Practice and Research, Tate ( or Helena Hunter, Learning Research Assistant, Tate (

Project Information

Project types
Research project
Learning project
Lead department
Tate Learning
Project leaders
Emily Pringle (Head of Learning Practice and Research, Tate)
Pat Thomson (Professor of Education, University of Nottingham)
Sam Thorne (Director, Tate St Ives)
Project team
Paul Stewart (Learning Research Assistant, Tate)