
Tate is committed to being open to all, including children and adults at risk, whilst ensuring their protection from abuse and neglect. Everyone who accesses our galleries and workplace, and all colleagues – henceforth referred to as ‘visitors and colleagues’ – should be kept safe from harm whether onsite, offsite, online or on virtual platforms. Our vision is to serve as artistically adventurous and culturally inclusive art museums that are open, bold, rigorous and kind. Therefore, safeguarding is at the heart of our work; it is a constant priority and our collective responsibility. Tate’s Safeguarding Policy gives us the framework for safeguarding, for managing safeguarding risks and dealing with any concern or incident which may arise.

Tate recognises that any policy and/or procedure is only as effective as the ability and skill of those who operate it. We are therefore committed to:

  • Taking all concerns and/or allegations of abuse or risk to visitors and colleagues seriously, and responding swiftly and appropriately through the safeguarding procedures.
  • Safely recruiting staff and all those that work on our behalf, either paid or in a volunteer capacity, and ensuring all necessary steps are taken and checks are made, in line with our recruitment and vetting procedures.
  • Ensuring all colleagues are made aware of the Safeguarding Policy at induction.
  • Ensuring that all our partners adhere to the Safeguarding Policy.
  • Training and supervising all colleagues to adopt best practice to safeguard and protect all individuals connected to Tate against abuse, and themselves against allegations being made against them, providing a code of conduct for all.
  • Storing visitors and colleagues’ contact information, images, records and correspondence securely for the appropriate retention period.
  • Ensuring all Tate’s exhibitions and displays, workshops, events and activities are planned and organised with safeguarding as a priority.
  • Providing support to colleagues and to visitors when concerns are shared.
  • Sharing information about concerns with relevant agencies which have a legal duty to act, and involving parents/carers/teachers where appropriate.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees 4 December 2024

This statement forms a subsection of the full Tate Safeguarding Policy and Procedures, which is made available to all colleagues.
